جائزة البنك الإسلامي للتنمية للمساهمة النسوية فى التنمية 2007

IDB 30th Anniversary Celebrations, 26th Jan 2006, London

Saudi Arabian Sacrificial Meat Project (ADAHI)
International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA )
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IDB Board of Executive Directors approves new finances for US$ 522 Million 
Communique of the International Investment Conference Sponsored by The Government of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Development Bank, held in Baku Azerbaijan on 16-19 Shawwal 1427H (7-10 November 2006) 


The Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) Online Publications. Arabic English French

Occasional Papers
Guideline for a National IT Strategy
Water for living

Key Socio-Economic Statistics on IDB Member Countries (PDF 166KB)
Member Countries Facts Figures (PDF 105KB)
Brain Drain in IDB Member Countries
Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on " Enhancing Production Efficiency and International Competitiveness in IDB Cotton Producing Member Countries" (2005)
Regional Office Almaty, Annual Report 1425H
31st IDB Annual Report
Arabic / English
IDB Prize for the Women's Contribution in Development 2007

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