Standard Industrial Classification - Companies and Enterprises (SIC-C) 1980


The Canadian Standard Industrial Classification for Companies and Enterprises, 1980 (SIC-C) is a system for classifying companies and enterprises according to the activity(ies) in which they are engaged. It is used to facilitate the collection, tabulation, presentation and analysis of financial statistics and related data. As a reference manual, the SIC-C provides a classification structure; a classified index, which includes the definition of subsegments and examples to clarify the content of each subsegment; an alphabetical index; and comparison tables between this classification and the establishment-based classification (1980 SIC-E).

Please note that the SIC-C has been replaced by NAICS Canada. Once implementation of NAICS Canada is complete, the SIC-C will be discontinued.

 A  Food, Beverage and Tobacco
 B  Wood and Paper
 C  Energy
 D  Chemicals, Chemical Products and Textiles
 E  Metallic Minerals and Metal Products
 F  Machinery and Equipment (Except Electrical)
 G  Transportation Equipment
 H  Electrical and Electronic Products
 I  Construction and Related Activities
 J  Transportation Services
 K  Communications
 L  Finance and Insurance
 M  General Services to Business
 N  Government Services
 O  Education, Health and Social Services
 P  Accommodation, Restaurants and Recreation Services
 Q  Food Retailing
 R  Consumer Goods and Services

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