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Calendar of Events
Pulse Crop Development Workshop-Moose Jaw
Location Moose Jaw, SK
Start Date Wednesday, Jan 31, 2007
End Date Wednesday, Jan 31, 2007
Region South West
Topic Crops
Type Event
Contact SAF Ag Knowledge Centre
Contact Phone (866)457-2377
Contact Email
Please pre-register at Ag Knowledge Centre. Cost is $15. Lunch included. Pay at the door. 9am to 4 PM. Location: Heritage Inn, Moose Jaw, SK.
Information on pulse crop agronomy, markets, varieties, Global Drivers impacting Sask. Agriculture, Sask. Pulse Growers.
3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.