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Goals and Objectives

As part of our internal planning framework, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food's Vision is further defined by a set of Department Goals that guide our "expectations for results" for the broad range of program and services provided by the department.

Goal One: Prosperous, sustainable, agricultural production and processing industries


  1. Increased livestock production and diversification to higher value crops
  2. Increased total value of goods and services produced by the agriculture and food sector
  3. Enhanced environmental stewardship
  4. Improved food safety and quality systems
  5. Effective safety net and risk management tools

Goal Two: Strong, resourceful, rural people, families and communities


  1. Rural people and families with better tools and resources to plan for their future
3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.