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Walter Scott Building,
Regina, Saskatchewan


To support the agri-food industry by providing services and administering regulations for food and crop protection, animal disease surveillance, environmental reviews, inspections, licenses, registrations and complaint resolution.

Ongoing Activities:

  1. Ensuring market access for livestock and livestock products through development and delivery of disease surveillance, licensing and inspection programs.
  2. Responsible use of pesticides through licensing, training and complaint investigation.
  3. Protecting producer ownership and reduce financial risk through livestock identification and licensing.
  4. Improving management practices and enable growth in livestock production and processing through a supportive regulatory environment.
  5. Ensuring development of environmentally sound and socially acceptable intensive livestock operations.
  6. Delivering complaint resolution services for agricultural operations, crown land allocation and agricultural implement supplies and services.


Agricultural Operations Unit

  • This unit administers the Intensive Livestock provisions of The Agricultural Operations Act (AOA). This legislation requires intensive livestock operations to develop and implement plans for water protections
  • Staff investigate complaints of pollution from intensive livestock and investigate nuisance disturbances on behalf of the Agricultural Operations Review Board.

Animal Health Unit

  • Mandate of this Unit is to protect and improve the health and welfare of livestock and quality of animal and food products for domestic and world markets.
  • This Unit administers The Animal Protection Act, 1999, which provides for the protection of animals against inhumane treatment, the establishment of humane societies and appointment of animal protection officers.
  • This Unit also administers The Diseases of Animals Act, The Veterinarians Act, 1987, and The Veterinary Services Act and liaise with animal health organizations and related agencies in other jurisdictions on animal health and trade issues.
  • SAF supports the Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals subject to conditions in an agreement signed by SAF and the SSPCA in 2003, to enforce the provisions of The Animal Protection Act, 1999, related to the prevention of cruelty to animals.
  • Prairie Diagnostic Services (PDS) Grant
    • PDS was established in 1999 as a non-profit corporation and is supported by SAF by means of an annual grant to provide veterinary diagnostic services, some of which were previously provided by the province.
  • The Branch also supports the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association (SVMA) Student Mentorship Grant; and the Veterinary Student Mentorship Program for the past three years. This program ensures that first and second year veterinary students gain practical experience through summer employment in rural veterinary practices.

Regulatory Services Unit

  • This Unit delivers regulatory services for Saskatchewan's Agriculture industry through the following functions:
    • inspections related to pesticide application;
    • investigations of complaints concerning pesticide application;
    • investigations and dispute resolution of complaints about nuisances created through agricultural operations;
    • licensing of agricultural implement dealers and pesticide vendors/applicators;
    • appeal board administration and dispute resolution related to Land Lease Appeals, agricultural implements and agricultural operation nuisance complaints;
    • to provide technical resources in the area of agricultural implements and pesticide use; and
  • This Unit provides regulatory and policy review within the scope of the IRM Branch.
  • Agricultural Operations Review Board is operated for resolve nuisance disputes between agricultural producers and their immediate neighbors.
  • The Lands Appeal Board is operated to independently hear appeals launched by persons who feel aggrieved by a Department decision respecting the allocation of Crown land or the termination of a Crown lease. The Board ensures that Department policy is followed in allocating Crown land and terminating leases.
  • The Agricultural Implements Board is operated to provide protection to farmers who buy or own agricultural implements. farm equipment dealers and manufacturers are required to maintain minimum levels of warranty, repair and parts delivery services. Farmers may apply to the Agricultural Implements Board for compensation if they feel they have incurred a loss due to an unreasonable delay or availability of farm equipment parts.
  • Pesticide Applicator License Program is operated as a service to industry to issue licenses to individual commercial pesticide applicators authorized by The Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act and Regulations.
  • The Pesticide Service License Program issues licenses to businesses that apply or use pesticides, or offer to apply or use pesticides. (A service license does not authorize individual pesticide applicators to commercially apply pesticides. Such individuals must possess a pesticide applicator license.)
  • The Pesticide Vendor License Program issues licenses to vendors of commercial and restricted pesticides as authorized by The Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act and Regulations. (Pesticides designated by their label as commercial pesticides are only sold by sales outlets such as Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Farm Service Centres. Pesticides designated as domestic by their label may be sold by unlicensed vendors such as hardware stores.)

The Livestock Administration Unit

  • This Unit administers the Livestock Services Revolving Fund which is operated to confirm ownership of livestock offered for sale or transported in the province through provision of livestock inspection, brand registration, and dealer licensing.
  • This Unit administers Game, Poultry and Fur Farm Licensing Programs to license operators and the Unit administers regulations governing game farm, poultry and fur farm operations.


Agricultural Operations Act, 1996
Agricultural Operations Regulations
Agricultural Implements Act, 1978
Agricultural Implements Regulations
Animal Identification Act, 1978
Brand Regulations
Electronic Implant Regulations
Animal Products Act, 1978
Animal Custom Care Regulations
Domestic Game Farm Regulations, 1999
Fur Farming R, 1991
Livestock Dealer Regulations
Livestock Inspection and Transport Regulations , 1978
SK Egg Regulations
SK Hatchery Regulations, 1978
SK Poultry Regulations
Animal Protection Act, 1999
Animal Protection Regulations, 2000
Diseases of Animals Act, 1966 90 AHU
Control of Disease Regulations
Diseases of Domestic Game Farm Animals Regulations
Line Fence Act, 1978
Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act 1978
Pest Control Products Regulations, 1995
Stray Animals Act, 1978
Stray Animals Regulations, 1999
Veterinarians Act, 1987
Veterinary Services Act, 1978
Veterinary Services Grant Regulations
Shaunavon Veterinary Service Dist Regulations

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3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.