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Walter Scott Building,
Regina, Saskatchewan


Support the development of Saskatchewan's agri-food industry through the provision of food safety, quality, policy, regulatory, market and business development programs and services.


Food Industry Unit:
The Food Industry Unit is a partner in the Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre providing support and expertise to the Centre. The Food Centre Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Development Program was developed and is operated with input from this Unit. Food product development programming at the Food Centre is supported by the Agri-Value Program and the Food Industry Unit's staff provide services that include research funding and product development expertise and consultations.

Marketing Unit:
The Marketing Unit provides market development services to the agri-food sector including:

  • Customized market research in response to industry and departmental information requirements
  • International market development initiatives to increase Saskatchewan company's presence in international markets
  • Investment attraction initiatives
  • Immigration initiatives

Administration & Policy Development Unit:
This Unit is responsible for administering the following programs:

  • The Provincial Meat Slaughter Inspection Program under The Regulations Governing the Inspection of Meat in Domestic Abattoirs under The Diseases of Animals Act.
  • The Value Chain Program
  • The Agricultural New Generation Co-operatives Program (ANGen Program)
  • Food Safety Initiative (FSI) Programming under the federal-provincial APF Agreement - Food Safety and Quality Chapter under The Federal-Provincial Agreements Act
  • On-Farm Food Safety Programs

The Unit is also responsible for providing policy expertise to the branch and the department in the areas of food safety, food quality and food traceability.


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3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.