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Farm Owner / Operator Category

Farm owner/operator nominees will be individuals with proven experience in farming, substantial capital available to invest in a farming operation, and who have made a signed offer to purchase land for a farming operation in Saskatchewan.

Under the Saskatchean Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), Saskatchewan can nominate individuals who intend to purchase and operate a farming operation in Saskatchewan. Applicants considering applying under this category are encouraged to contact SINP officials to learn more about the eligibility criteria of the program. SINP officials will also ensure applicants are contacted by officials in Saskatchewan Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization who can advise them on the type of farming operation they intend to operate in Saskatchewan.

There are four eligibility criteria for the Farm Owner/Operator category:

  • Available Equity — applicants must provide financial documents showing a net worth of $500,000.
  • Refundable Cash Deposit - applicants must sign a Performance Agreement committing them to purchasing a farm operation in Saskatchewan and make a "good faith" deposit of $75,000 in trust. The cash deposit will be returned to them when the terms of the Performance Agreement are met. The deposit will be forfeited to the province if the terms are not met within two years of landing in Saskatchewan.
  • Mandatory visit to Saskatchewan — applicants are required to visit Saskatchewan within the two-year period prior to making a signed offer to purchase.
  • Farm operation knowledge and experience — applicants must provide documentation (e.g. education and training, work experience, financial documents of their previous operations) that demonstrate that they are knowledgeable farm operators. If necessary, this may be further verified by a personal interview with the applicant in Saskatchewan.

The farm owner/operator category is restricted to proprietary businesses that include primary agricultural production. Agri-business operations that do not involve primary agricultural production, or farm operations that involve some form of joint venture with existing Saskatchewan operations, would be eligible to apply under the Business category.


The farm owner/operator category applicant must submit the following SINP application package to the Saskatchewan Immigration Branch. This package must include the original SINP form, the original Government of Canada forms, and photocopies of supporting documents detailed below. Original or certified copies of documents may be required, at the discretion of an SINP Immigration Officer. Please note only the original Government of Canada forms will be returned.


  1. SINP-100-3: Saskatchewan SINP Application—Farmer Owner/Operator
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  2. SINP-200-1: Net Worth
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  3. IMM-0008: Application for Permanent Residence in Canada
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  4. Schedule 1: Background / Declaration
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant and:
    • his or her spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and
    • all dependant children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for
    permanent residence.
  5. Schedule 4: Economic Classes—Provincial Nominees
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant.
  6. IMM-5406: Additional Family Information
    This form must be completed by the principal applicant and:
    • his or her spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and
    • all dependant children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for
    permanent residence.
  7. The principal applicant may complete one or both of the following forms, if applicable:

    (a) Use this form to designate an authorized representative to handle your file: IMM-5476 — Use of a Representative. This form also authorizes CIC to release information to and deal with your representative on matters pertaining to your file.

    (b) Use this form if you wish to have your application information sent to a designated individual other than your representative: IMM 5475 — Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual.

    For more information: Instructions on using a representative (PDF file).

Additional Documents:

  1. Professional confirmation of personal/business funds.
  2. Birth certificate (for applicant and immediate family-members) that lists both parents, marriage certificate, divorce, custody, and maintenance documents, as applicable.
  3. Education credentials, as applicable.
  4. Trade credentials, as applicable.
  5. English language competency documentation, as applicable.
  6. Police report(s) if the applicant or any family member over the age of 18 has committed an offence or been convicted of a crime; please provide a copy of a police report from the country or countries where the offence(s) occurred. In addition to the police report, submit any proof of rehabilitation, if applicable.
  7. Valid passport with expiry date no less than two years hence. Each individual family member must obtain a personal passport.

Where documents are in a language other than English, the applicant must submit a photocopy of the original document AND a photocopy of the English translation. Translators can be any person other than a family member of the applicant or spouse and must not work for a paid consultant or representative who is preparing the application. The applicant must also supply an affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability. Please be aware that some Canadian immigration visa offices may require that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all federal requirements are met with respect to translations.

Please submit the application and supporting documentation to:
Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
300 - 1942 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P 2C5

Phone: (Canada 001) 306-798-SINP (7467)
Fax: (Canada 001) 306-798-0713

For information on agriculture in Saskatchewan, see:

Saskatchewan Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization website
The Western Producer website (agricultural newspaper)