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To assist in the development of a trained and skilled forestry sector workforce the Department of Advanced Education & Employment works in collaboration with a variety of forestry stakeholders through the Forestry Training Sub-Committee (FTSC), a sub-committee of the Northern Labour Market Committee. Saskatchewan Advanced Education & Employment provides funding to assist FTSC supported training initiatives.

The FTSC identifies existing and emerging employment opportunities in the forestry sector and then plans, priorizes, funds and assists in delivering a variety of training to meet these employment opportunities. These efforts prepare residents of the commercial forest region for employment and careers in the forestry sector.

The Department's Forestry Program Manager is responsible for the Department's funds and serves as the Manager of the FTSC. The position also liaises with forest companies, First Nations interests, post-secondary institutions, Métis organizations and provincial and federal departments and other forestry stakeholders.


Jim Ludwig
#101-1061 Central Avenue
Prince Albert, SK S6V 4V4

Phone: (306) 953-2744
Fax: (306) 765-2844