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Apply for a Student Loan - Allowable Expenses

Education and living costs are considered to be eligible costs :

Educational Expenses - the actual costs of tuition and compulsory fees. Books and supplies will be allowed as a cost to a maximum of $3,000 which includes a computer allowance of $300.

Living Expenses - based on a moderate standard of living. The allowance includes allotments for shelter, food, miscellaneous items and local public transportation. Miscellaneous items include personal and health care, clothing, cleaning and communications. Local transportation is based on the cost of a local public transit pass

The shelter allowance for single students living away from home is based on two students sharing the cost of renting a two-bedroom apartment, including utilities. The amount allowed for married students is the cost of renting a two-bedroom apartment, including utilities. The allowance for a single parent is the cost of renting a one-bedroom apartment, including utilities. An additional amount is allowed for each dependent child.

The table below shows the amounts used for living expenses in Saskatchewan. The amounts used in the calculation of the living allowance vary from province to province.

Saskatchewan Monthly Living Allowances:
Student Situation
Approximate Monthly Living Allowance
Single student living at home $398
Single student living away from home $822
Married Student and spouse $1,591 + $423 for each child
Single parent with child(ren) $1,021 + $423 for each child

Daycare Allowance - If you have dependent children under 12 years of age, you will be allowed a daycare rate based on whether or not your daycare expenses are subsidized.

Daycare Allowances
Number of Children
4 or more

Child Support/Alimony - if you or your spouse are making child support and/or alimony payments, you will be allowed to claim this expense up to a present maximum amount per child per month.

Depending on your particular situation, you may be entitled to include some other expenses:

  • If you are a single student living away from home, or a married student living away from your spouse, you will be allowed the cost of one return trip home by the most reasonable means of transportation - such as the bus - for each academic period of 12 to 26 weeks, to a maximum of $600 per trip. If you will be in school for more than 26 weeks, you will be allowed two return trips.
  • If you are living at home with your parents or spouse, and your school is located 25 km or more from your community, you will be allowed a commuting allowance.
  • If you're married and must live away from your spouse to go to school, you'll be allowed an additional shelter allowance.
  • If you are supporting your own dependent children, you will be allowed a daycare rate based on whether or not your daycare expenses are subsidized.
  • If you or your spouse are making child support and/or alimony payments, you will be allowed to claim this expense up to a preset maximum per child per month.


