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Before You Apply - Choose a Career Path

Post-secondary education provides opportunities to reach your full potential. Post-secondary education can also lead to better jobs and higher income. Choosing your education and training path is a very important step in your career development. Make informed decisions by knowing what options are available.

  • Visit and check out iQuizzes to explore your abilities, interests and preferences, as part of making a career decision.
  • Then visit selected occupations on Saskatchewan Job Futures occupational listings link, where you can research an occupation in depth, compare wage rates, education and training requirements, and employment projections. For those entering post-secondary education from high school, you may have received a paper copy of the Job Futures Job Chart.

Service Canada also offers similar resources and allows you to check out Job Futures for different provinces across Canada at, or check out CanLearn's interactive Student Planner to examine your options and for help with building a plan. Check with individual institutions about services available for career development and planning.

Now it is time to decide on a post-secondary institution. Gather your information to help you choose a school that will provide your learning needs. Visit for important factors to consider when choosing a school or print off Sasknetwork's Research Form to help you get started collecting your information.

Remember, while you are a student you can claim your tuition fees and an education amount as deductions on your income tax. For more details, get the Canada Revenue Agency pamphlet Students and Income Tax or refer to

As well, once you get your certificate, diploma, degree or certification from an approved post-secondary program, you will be eligible for a one-time Post-Secondary Graduate Tax Credit applicable against your Saskatchewan Income Tax!



