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Stay Interest Free While in School

While you're a full-time student your current student loan and any past student loans are interest-free and do not require repayment. However, any break in studies for six months or more will automatically put your loans into repayment mode.

If you receive a student loan for one period of study, but do not require a loan for subsequent periods of study, you'll need to complete a Schedule 2 - Interest-Free Certificate (Confirmation of Enrolment) for Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans Program each year to maintain your interest-free status and suspend repayment.

As of August 1, 2002, an integrated Schedule 2 form was introduced to replace the previous Schedule B (Saskatchewan Student Loan Interest Free Certificate) and Schedule 2 (Canada Student Loan Interest Free Certificate).

Students returning to school full-time and not requiring a student loan but wishing to keep their previous student loan in interest free status must have this form completed by their Educational Institution and forwarded to the National Student Loans Service Centre - Private or Public Division. A Schedule 2 may be obtained from educational institutions or the Student Financial Assistance Branch.

Once completed, the form must be mailed directly to the National Student Loans Service Centre or dropped off at Student Financial Assistance Branch. The integrated Schedule 2 is a five-part form, which once signed, is to be distributed as indicated on the bottom left hand corner of the form.

For further information, contact the National Student Loans Service Centre or Student Financial Assistance Branch.


