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Repaying Student Loans - Consolidating Your Loan

Prior to your loan entering repayment, the National Student Loan Service Centre will send you a Consolidation Letter and Agreement. The Consolidation letter will provide you with information on the interest rate, the full amount of the loan, when your first payment is due, the number and frequency of your payments, and the amount of each payment.  You must sign the loan Consolidation Agreement and return it to the NSLSC.

You must contact the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) and sign a loan consolidation agreement within six months of completing your full-time studies.

If you have received Canada Student Loans before August 1, 2000 or Saskatchewan Student Loans before August 1, 2001 , you must sign another consolidation agreement with the Royal Bank for your provincial loans and the financial institution holding your Canada Student Loans. You must contact your financial institutions and sign a loan consolidation agreement within six months of completing your full-time studies.

Your student loan will enter repayment on the first day of the month following your six-month Grace Period, however you are not required to begin making payments on your loan(s) until the seventh month.




