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Feed Grain and Forage Listing Service

The "Feed Grain and Forage Listing Service" is available without cost to the user. Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food does not guarantee quality of products/services or the integrity of the registered users. Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food may delete or correct any listing deemed to be inappropriate.

To see the entire current list:

  • Select 'Find Product'; 'Listing'; 'Select all'; 'Both'; 'Search'.
To submit a new listing:
  • For first time users, select 'Register New User'; complete the form and 'Save'.
  • For previous users, select 'Register New Product'; select a product from the menu provided; enter your user id and password; 'Continue' and after completion of the form, select 'Save'.
  • The product will be reviewed by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.
To change your listing:
  • Select 'Find Product'; 'My Product'; enter your user id and password, 'Continue'; select the product, then 'Update Product Information'; modify the details in your listing; select 'Update'.
  • The product will be reviewed by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.


Product Summary Reports:

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For more information contact 1-866-457-2377

Other Listings:

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.