About Us

To view the Agri-Arm brochure (PDF FIle), please click here

What is Agri-ARM?

The Saskatchewan Agri-ARM (Agriculture-Applied Research Management) Program connects eight regional applied research and demonstration sites into a province-wide network. Each location has an affiliated producer group that sets the research priorities for that site.

Agri-ARM sites serve as centres for applied research and demonstration, focusing on increasing value from crops and enhancing production efficiency and environmental stewardship in a region.

Agri-ARM provides the forum for government, producers, researchers and industry associations to partner on provincial and regional projects.

Agri-ARM core projects

  • Forage variety testing
  • Pulse inoculant studies
  • Minor use pesticide registration trials
  • Pulse variety trials
  • Cropping systems research
  • Environmental stewardship projects
  • Field evaluation of inputs and equipment
  • Manure management projects

Agri-ARM’s objectives

  • Increase the adoption of new agricultural production technologies and practices;
  • To provide farmers with more tools for environmental and economic decision-making;
  • Develop and maintain an adequate level of infrastructure and expertise for regional applied research and demonstration; and
  • Increase public awareness of agriculture’s role in environmental stewardship and the overall economy.
For more information, please contact:

Program Manager
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
Crop Development Branch
Room 2D18
College of Agriculture
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 933-5567
email: agriarm@agr.gov.sk.c


This site was developed by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food .