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Regional Development Teams

The Regional Development Teams, located in nine offices around the province, help businesses, communities and commercial farmers to start, expand or change their agriculture business.

Our specialists give advice and support to all types of livestock, crops, forage and value-added processing businesses. They will help you access the programs you need.

We help you to move your ideas through the development process, build community support, and use new technology to make your business competitive.

We specialize in six agri-business development areas:

Business Development: As the owner of a business, we know you want to be successful and competitive. Our team will help you put all of the important pieces together, like helping you to identify your needs and research potential opportunities, and helping you build important partnerships that will support your development and growth.

Our specialists help individuals and communities to grow their regional economies through agri-business opportunities. Opportunities in agriculture vary from small to large scale enterprises, but size doesn’t matter. We are here to help you grow and succeed.

Referral and Path Finding: If we don’t know the answer, we will know who in the industry does. We’ll get answers to questions like:

a. What regulations do I need to know or follow?
b. What do I need to know about food safety and quality?
c. Are there professional services that can help me?
d. What government programs and services are there?

Our goal is to help you find the right information and expertise you need to develop your business. We understand the importance of finding the experts throughout the business process, and we will find the right people to help you.

Specialist advice: Staying on top of research, new technology and innovations is our business. We want to share that knowledge with you to help you and your business succeed.

Our specialists work in regional and provincial teams to ensure you get the expert advice you need to be successful and competitive in today’s marketplace.

Table of Contents

Business relationships: We understand how important it is to your business to have strong, supportive relationships with individuals, organizations and communities. We have the skills to help you to engage and influence groups, and to develop solutions that support your business.

Developing a strong network of individuals and organizations is a key component in developing or maintaining your agri-business. Our team has a network of people to draw expertise from within the province, and beyond. We work with other organizations and departments in order to ensure your ventures move forward.

Analysis of needs: Analysing your business needs and identifying potential solutions is essential to success. We can help you conduct an assessment of your existing operation and assist with developing business plans that can help you grow.

We support and guide you through all stages of your agri-business venture to meet your business needs. For example, studying best practices helps us understand and learn from others who have developed successful agri-businesses. A business plan helps you to discover your current and future business needs, and we can find solutions together.

Human capacity: Business and leadership skills are important in today’s business climate. You need to know how to attract, hire and train skilled labour. Our specialists can get you started.

Our team will help build the skills of individuals or groups who want to grow and develop their regional economy. We can provide one-on-one advice, or group workshops and conferences. We partner with other organizations to ensure that rural communities can obtain the skills training they need. We strive to help create more business leaders.

The Regional Development Teams understand the importance of working with new and existing agri-businesses to grow the economy. Our team is available to meet with individuals, groups or communities on-site, or in any of the nine regional offices located throughout the province. We are here to help all types of agri-businesses through the business development process. We look forward to working with you.

Regional Office Locations

A number of other services or agencies also reside in the regional offices, including: Crown land and pastures, inspection and regulatory management, irrigation development in Outlook, financial programs for rural Saskatchewan, and Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation.

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.