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Green Certificate Farm Training Program

Training as an Investment | Government Support | What Does it Cost You? | What We Are Looking For | Registration Form | How the Program Works | Waiver and Indemnity Forms | Contacts


Last Reviewed : March 28, 2006

The Program

In cooperation with industry players, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food's, Livestock Development Branch, administers an apprenticeship style, on-farm skill-training program called the Green Certificate Program. This program has been adopted from Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development where it has been running since 1975. Trainees can acquire skills in one of several agricultural sectors, including feedlot, cow/calf, dairy, sheep, crop, irrigated crop production, and aerial application. Three levels of training are available in each area covering skills for technicians, production supervisors, and managers/owners. Program training starts at the Technician Level and, where desired, progresses to Supervisor and on to Business Manager. This program provides practical, hands-on training curriculum for agriculture in Saskatchewan.

Training as an Investment

Profits in today's global marketplace come from the competent use of knowledge and skills to operate farms. Under the practical Green Certificate training system, farmers themselves can develop and retain the competent staff they need to meet their farm's business goals.

Why Train?

Training improves the profitability of the farm operation, by improving technical skills and knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, and production efficiency. Improved work ethic and work performance also result from the increase in self-esteem, job status, and image that result from training. The Green Certificate Farm Training Program provides the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a farming career.

Participants agree to:

  1. Obtain all the necessary information and resources to complete the training process
  2. Actively plan and carry out all the necessary on-the-job instruction and/or learning
  3. Seek and utilize all available materials, resources, and courses to increase skills and knowledge
  4. Regularly assess competence according to the training objectives outlined in the curriculum
  5. Participate in regular program testing sessions

Table of Contents

Government Support

Funding for the program is provided by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. This funding provides administration and training tools such as curriculums, books, and certification. Current resource materials used are produced by Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

What Does it Cost You?

Employers: Time and facilities for on-the-job training, staff release time, and time to develop training skills.

Trainees: Required to contribute time for training, and cover some travel expenses for test days.

What We Are Looking For


  • Need to have a sincere desire to develop or upgrade their skills.
  • Must possess basic skills in reading and writing, and be at least 14 years old. High school trainees are eligible for high school credits when the Green Certificate Program is used in relation to the school-based Agricultural Production Technician (ATEC) curriculum. ATEC is the GCP adapted for classroom curriculum by a certified teacher. Students can earn up to three credits from grades 10-12 for one course, for example;cow-calf production technician.
  • Must currently be employed on a farm or have access to a training farm.


  • Supervises the trainee on a day-to-day basis, spends time in personal training and testing and has a genuine interest in effective staff management.
  • Will be trained and supervised in the role of teacher and coach.

Farm Training Sites:

A suitable training farm has:

  • Equipment and facilities to allow training on every core skill listed in the Green Certificate Farm Training Program.
  • A minimum of five years successful business experience in the area being trained.
  • Sufficient enterprise size and cash flow to employ an apprentice trainee.

Family Businesses:

  • Family members are encouraged to apply.

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food administers a program in Saskatchewan called the Green Certificate Farm Training Program. This program is a way of conducting staff training on Saskatchewan farms, or in the agriculture industry. Funding is provided by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. The Green Certificate Program (GCP) strives to be a farming oriented program. Its goal is to train individuals to competently fill key roles in the farming industry.

The Green Certificate Program's objectives are:

  • To develop technical and managerial skills in those desiring to enter or continue a career in farming;
  • To provide the means for certifying the achievement of skills by a formalized practical testing system;
  • To develop and maintain a base of competent employees for the agriculture industry;
  • To increase knowledge in farm management and improve human resource planning in agriculture; and
  • To encourage students to carry on with further education in agriculture or veterinary medicine.

Agriculture Sectors Covered by the Green Certificate Program

The Green Certificate Program currently covers several areas or skill profiles in agriculture, including:

  • cow/calf beef production
  • feedlot production
  • sheep production
  • dairy production
  • crop production
  • irrigated crop production
  • aerial application

Training is structured around these seven skill profiles, which list all the competencies (skills or tasks) required for proficiency in a particular training area.

How the Program Works

In each of the agriculture areas, there are three levels of training:

Level I: The first level is production technician training, which is on-the-job training focusing on the practical aspects of farming. These skills are essential for basic employment on a Saskatchewan farm.
Level II: The second level is production supervisor/manager training, which includes a mixture of on-the-job training and self study, with some written assignments and testing required. This set of job skills is relatively complex and requires a significant amount of decision making ability, as well as physical dexterity.
Level III: The third level is farm business management and business plan training and is meant for individuals who will become major decision makers or owners/operators in a farming operation. In Saskatchewan, trainees who progress through Levels 1 and 2 will be encouraged to register in the Certificate in Agriculture Program (CAP) from the University of Saskatchewan Extension Division.

To summarize the program, participants receive a training curriculum representing the skills needed to obtain the Green Certificate. The trainee receives most of his or her training through apprenticeship-like, on-the-job training under a competent trainer-farmer. The farmer is also responsible for the major assessment of the trainee's proficiency in farm skills. The trainer signs off each skill in the skill profile as the trainee becomes competent in the skill. A test assessor will evaluate students to ensure verification of reliability, validity, and uniformity of the testing and training. Trainees are evaluated by a Green Certificate tester on the basis of the ability to demonstrate specific skills. The tester is a person who is currently in the industry at a farming level (performs or supervises the same tasks routinely) and is generally involved in the program as a trainer.

Trainees progress at their own rate. Once all testing is complete and the trainee is deemed competent in all skills, he or she will be awarded the appropriate level of the Green Certificate.

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food is working in co-operation with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Alberta has been running their Green Certificate Program since 1975, with full industry support. The specific skills which form the basis of the curriculum were identified by Alberta farmers in the various industry specializations, and cover the job entry requirements for those specializations. Training content and acceptable standards of proficiency were also established with the majority of input from farmers. Materials have been rede eloped for use in Saskatchewan.

The Green Certificate Program provides managers with the curriculum materials required to train staff for the skills necessary for employment in agricultural industries. This can work to enhance growth in such industries by supplying skilled workers.

Research has shown that training aimed at improving the skills and knowledge of employees can improve production, and positively affect the self-esteem and work ethic of the staff. The Green Certificate Program is committed to bringing these benefits to agriculture operations in Saskatchewan.

Registration form

Green Certificate Farm Training Program
Registration Form for Saskatchewan Residents
Business Name: Trainee's Name:


Town: Town:
RM No.: Postal Code: RM No.: Postal Code:
Bus Phone: Bus Fax: Res Phone: Res Fax:
Designated Trainer: Date of Birth:
If attending high school, what grade ?
Green Certificate Farm Training Program
Registration Form for Saskatchewan Residents
Business Name: Trainee's Name:


Town: Town:
RM No.: Postal Code: RM No.: Postal Code:
Bus Phone: Bus Fax: Res Phone: Res Fax:
Designated Trainer: Date of Birth:
If attending high school, what grade ?
Training Area: (check one)
Cow Calf Beef Production
Dairy Production
Feedlot Production
Crop Production
Sheep Production
Irrigated Crop Production
Aerial Application


The Government of Saskatchewan shall not be liable for any damages, including consequential damages, to the equipment or to the farm operation of the farmer caused by the Trainee or incurred through the Trainer's employment/training of the Trainee.

Trainer Signature: ______________________________________

Trainee Signature: ______________________________________

Please mail completed form to:

    Human Resource Development Specialist
    Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
    129 - 3085 Albert Street
    Regina, Saskatchewan
    S4S 0B1

Download Form

Waiver and Indemnity (Trainer)
Waiver and Indemnity (Trainee)

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For additional information or to apply for this program, contact:
Livestock Development Branch, SAF
Human Resource Development Consultant
Room 129 - 3085 Albert Street
Regina, Sask, S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-8191
Fax: (306) 787-9297

Livestock Development Branch, SAF
Human Resource Development Consultant
10-1715 8th Avenue
P.O. Box 660
Humboldt, Saskatchewan S0K 2A0
Phone: (306) 682-6722
Fax: (306) 682-6776

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.