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Agri-Value Program
- Supporting the Development of Saskatchewan's Agri-Businesses

May 2005

“We entered new markets and territories and expanded sales to over $120,000 in first year.”
Echinacea is one of the most popular herbal remedies in the expanding natural products market. Value-added processing helps to develop products consumers can use.

The Agri-Value Program encourages the development and expansion of Saskatchewan's agri-businesses by providing assistance for new product development and market assessment.

Saskatchewan-based companies involved in the value-added processing of agricultural products are encouraged to apply for project funding. Applications are considered on a monthly basis. The maximum funding is $20,000 per project.

The Agri-Value Program is a component of the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) managed by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.

Eligible activities

The following development activities are eligible for assistance under the Agri-Value Program:

  • product development;
  • process development;
  • market assessment; and
  • market development programs that contribute to industry.


The following criteria will be used to determine the appropriate level of funding:

  • potential economic impact of the project;
  • probability of success;
  • industry support;
  • ability of applicant to complete the project; and
  • business approach/technical design.


The maximum available funding is $20,000 per project.

Projects are supported at a level relative to their industry impact. For example, company-specific projects are normally supported in the range of 50 per cent of eligible costs, while projects making a significant contribution to an industry may be supported at a higher level.

Processing of flax straw produces fibre and shives that can be used for many applications, including animal bedding, automotive interior panels and textiles.

Eligible costs

Applicants can apply for funding to cover the following costs:

  • professional or technical fees;
  • equipment rental;
  • materials; and
  • project travel.

The following are not eligible for funding under the program:

  • development of business or marketing plans;
  • equipment purchase or other capital purchases;
  • administration or overhead costs;
  • funding for on-going activities including wages for existing employees; and
  • the Goods and Services Tax (GST) reimbursed to the applicant by the Government of Canada.

"We were able to develop a tangible, marketable new product - from an idea and a concept."
Fractionation of oats generates ingredients for cosmetic applications - well beyond the traditional use as food and feed.


Where funding is approved, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food will enter into a contract with the applicant to carry out the work described in the application.


Pulses are a rich source of protein and dietary fibre. Further processing can produce these components for function foods and nutraceutical uses.

Applicants may request confidentiality for reports and detailed information regarding a project. The title, objective, applicant name and amount of funding approved for a project are considered public information.

Applicants should assume all applications, reports and information are public information unless otherwise negotiated and confirmed in writing by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. The Department reserves the right to grant confidentiality on any or all of the project information.

How to apply

Applications will be accepted up to the first working day of each month. Applicants will be notified on funding decisions within 30 days of the application deadline.

Application forms are available from the Agriculture Research Branch by emailing

Agriculture Research Branch
226-3085 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-6566/787-5929
Fax: (306) 787-2654

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.