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Cattle Marketing Deductions Fund

Last Updated: July, 2000


The Cattle Marketing Deductions Fund is a mandatory check-off of $2 per animal marketed in Saskatchewan. The fund supports various promotional and research activities that benefit the cattle industry in the province.


The Cattle Marketing Deductions Fund was established in 1970 at the request of the industry. Over time the fund was increased from the initial check-off of $1 per animal to the current $2 per animal marketed. The $2 check-off includes a national check-off of $1and a provincial check-off of $1.

If producers wish, each year before January 31st they may request a refund of the provincial portion of the contributions from the previous calendar year. The $1 collected for the National Check-off is not refundable.

The fund is distributed on recommendations of the Cattle Marketing Deductions Act Advisory Committee.


Over the last 10 years the fund has provided more than $10 million towards the promotion of Saskatchewan beef and beef products, research activities directed to the genetic and nutritional management of livestock, and assisted various Saskatchewan cattle associations to provide beef promotion activities.


Inspection and Regulatory Management
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
3085 Albert Street
Regina, S4S 0B1
Phone: 306-787-4264
Fax: 306-787-1315

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.