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Farm Stress Line

Reviewed: February 2005

As rural families, we deserve credit for working hard to deal with problems that are beyond our control - weather, insects, disease, high input costs and low returns, freight rates and volatile markets.

These are times of rapid change and uncertainty.

The Farm Stress Line, established in 1992 in response to the farm financial crisis which began in the mid 80s, is a direct line for farm families.

At the Farm Stress Line, we're farmers - grain and livestock producers - men and women who understand the challenges families are facing.

You may be having financial or personal problems, or you may just need information.

At the Farm Stress Line:

  • we can assist in clarifying the problem or concern and work with you toward a solution;
  • we can access a wide range of programs and services available to rural residents;
  • we can put you in touch with people who can help; and
  • we're here to listen and give support.

Call us for information:

Farm Stress Line 1-800-667-4442
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Saturday and holidays

  • there is no call display
  • we respect confidentiality

CONNECTIONS 1-866-680-0006

  • your link to the following Farm Stress Line services:
    • Pathfinding Service: accessing information to assist in farm business development and operations.
    • Livestock Care Service: provides support for commercial livestock producers when difficult situations put animals at risk.
    • Presentations and workshops:
      • Taking Care of Yourself
      • Intergenerational Farm Transfers
      • Communication Skills
      • Dealing with Disaster
      • Managing Stress
    • Connections Services Directory: a computerized directory linking you to information on programs and services by phone or online at

We are peer counsellors, men and women from the farm, trained to assist people in crisis, taking calls from rural people on personal and family issues, financial situations and other concerns affecting the farm operation.

Farm Stress Information Available on the following:    Download PDF file 1 MB

  • Dealing With Disasters
  • Resiliency in Rural People
  • Garnishment
  • Collection Agencies
  • Life After Farming
  • Selecting A Professional
  • Intergenerational Farm Transfer: Business Considerations
  • What Can Be Done About Rural Stress?
  • Stress
  • Suicide - Recognition and Intervention
  • Bankruptcy
  • Transition: Changes and Choices
  • Credit Reporting Agencies
  • The Provincial Ombudsman and You
  • Intergenerational Farm Transfer: Family Considerations

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3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.