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SAF Forms

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Crop Protection Diagnostic Form
The form is used to apply to the Crop Protection Laboratory for identification of plant-related production problems, including: insect identification; weed identification; isolation of bacteria, fungi and nematodes; and testing of weeds for herbicide resistance. Forms can be obtained from the Crop Protection Laboratory or Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. Note: When downloading and using the Internet version, four copies of the fully completed form are required to be submitted, along with the sample. For more information or assistance in completing the form, phone: 306-787-8130. Address for mailing samples: Crop Protection Lab, 125 – 3085 Albert St., Regina, Sask. S4S 0B1; Address for couriering or dropping off samples in person: 346 McDonald St., Regina, S4N 6P6

Irrigation Development Process Form - Request for Technical Assistance
This process and fee schedule is intended to assist clients with irrigation development.

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Crown Lands

Request to Purchase from Provincial Land Catalogue
For a list of land to purchase, please see Catalogue

Range Assistance Program & Form
Lessees of Crown lands that are experiencing the effects of dry conditions can apply for reduced rents. Lessees must sign a Range Improvement Agreement covering a term of five to 10 years where the lessee agrees to reduce the level of stocking on stressed lands and make necessary management changes to improve utilization. Rents are reduced by an amount equivalent with the level of reduction in stocking.

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Livestock Loan Guarantee Program

Bison Custom Feeding Receipt & Waiver (BF2)
The Custom Feeding Receipt and Waiver Form must be filled out and signed on a monthly basis if any member of an association has their animals in a custom feedlot or custom pasture unless a Long Term Custom Feed Agreement Form is completed (see form BF2.1).

Bison Extension Application (Feeder Option) (BF3)
The Extension Application (Feeder Option) is a request by the member who wishes to have an extension for advance taken on his behalf. This application is made to the Board of Directors of the association and is limited to a maximum of three months beyond the due date. Extensions will not be granted because more time is needed for markets to improve. New purchases cannot be made on behalf of a member when an advance is overdue or when an extension to the due date of an existing advance has been provided.

Bison Guarantee Application (Feeders) (BF5)
The Guarantee Application is an application made by an association to the Government of Saskatchewan requesting a guarantee be provided to their lender on loans taken out for the purpose of purchasing feeder animals.

Bison Local Supervisor’s Monthly Report – Feeder (BF10)
The local supervisor’s monthly report is a report to the provincial supervisor with a copy to the lender. This report is a monthly inventory showing the number of animals at the beginning of the month; number purchased, sold, died and released; the end of month inventory along with an estimated market value; and, the assurance deposit for every member.

Bison Long Term Custom Feeding Agreement (BF2.1)

The Long Term Custom Feeding Agreement Form must be completed in advance of custom feeding. This provision is an option to paying custom feeding charges on a monthly basis. If custom feeding charges are to be paid monthly please use Form BF2.

Bison Membership/Loan Increase Application (BF8)

The Membership/Loan Increase Application Form is to be used when: 1. An existing member wishes to increase the loan limit on their behalf; 2.An existing member under one option wishes to become a member under the other option; or, 3.A new member is added.

Bison Power of Attorney – Feeder (BF13)
This form is required when a member of an association is assigning Power of Attorney to someone for the purchasing of livestock within an association

Bison Transfer of Ownership (BF20)
The Transfer of Ownership Form is used when the ownership of bison is to be transferred from the association to the individual upon repayment of the loan taken out on behalf of the member. This is usually done when the producer wants to retain ownership.

Local Supervisors Monthly Report - Breeder SF 11
The local supervisors monthly report is a report to the provincial supervisor with a copy to the lender. This report is a monthly inventory showing the number of animals at the beginning of the month, number purchased, sold, died and released. Also included is the end of month inventory along with as estimated market value and the assurance deposit for every member.

Local Supervisors Monthly Report SF 10
The local supervisors monthly report is a report to the provincial supervisor with a copy to the lender. This report is a monthly inventory showing the number of animals at the beginning of the month, number purchased, sold, died and released. Also included is the end of month inventory along with as estimated market value and the assurance deposit for every member.

Membership/Loan Increase Application SF 8
The Membership/Loan Increase Application Form is to be used when: 1. An existing member wishes to increase the loan limit on their behalf; 2. An existing member under one option wishes to become a member under the other option; or, 3. A new member is added.

Power of Attorney - Breeder SF 14
Authorization of the provincial supervisor is required if a Power of Attorney Form other than those provide by the Livestock Loan Guarantee Program is being considered. A separate Power of attorney Form is required for each option, if a member is granting Power of Attorney to cover purchases under both options.

Power of Attorney - Feeder SF 13
An authorization of the provincial supervisor is required if a Power of Attorney Form other than those provided by the Livestock Loan Guarantee Program is being considered. A separate Power of Attorney Form is required for each option, if a member is granting Power of attorney to cover purchases under both options.

Redirection of Sales Proceeds (Bison) BF 25
Members of the bison association will provide a copy of this form to all potential purchasers to advise the purchaser that the sale proceeds must be redirected to the appropriate bison association.

Replacement of Breeding Stock SF 15
The Replacement of Breeding Stock Forms are used in the event of the culling or death of breeding stock covered by the loan guarantee. If an animal is culled or dies, the association will require the breeder to: a) replace the breeding stock with one of equivalent value and continue making payments as arranged; or b) pay out the prorated amount of the loan for the breeding stock that has been culled or died on the due date of the loan unless the lender and/or the board require payment to be made earlier.

Sheep Custom Feeding Receipt & Waiver (SF2)
The Custom Feeding Receipt and Waiver Form must be filled out and signed on a monthly basis if any member of an association has their animals in a custom feedlot or custom pasture unless a Long Term Custom Feed Agreement Form is completed (see form SF2.1).

Sheep Extension Application – Feeder Option (SF3)
The Extension Application (Feeder Option) is a request by the member who wishes to have an extension for advance taken on his behalf. This application is made to the Board of Directors of the association and is limited to a maximum of two months beyond the due date. Extensions will not be granted because more time is needed for bred ewe lambs to lamb. New purchases cannot be made on behalf of a member when an advance is overdue or when an extension to the due date of an existing advance has been provided.

Sheep Extension Application (Breeder Option) – SF4
The Sheep Extension Application (Breeder Option) is a request by the member who wishes to have an extension for the annual payment that is due on the Breeder loan taken on his behalf. The application is made to the Board of Directors of the association and is limited to a maximum of three months beyond the due date.

Sheep Guarantee Application (Breeder) – SF6
The Guarantee Application is an application made by an association to the Government of Saskatchewan requesting a guarantee be provided to their lender on loans taken out for the purpose of purchasing breeding stock.

Sheep Guarantee Application (Feeder) – SF5
The Guarantee Application is an application made by an association to the Government of Saskatchewan requesting a guarantee be provided to their lender on loans taken out for the purpose of purchasing feeder animals.

Sheep Inventory Confirmation (Breeders) (SF6.1)
The local supervisor must submit a completed yearly inventory report to the provincial supervisor and the lender by June 15. A physical inspection is necessary to confirm number of ewes, number of lambs and that the lambs have been marked and tagged with the association mark and eartag.

Sheep Long Term Custom Feeding Agreement (SF2.1)
The Long Term Custom Feeding Agreement Form must be completed in advance of custom feeding. This provision is an option to paying custom feeding charges on a monthly basis. If custom feeding charges are to be paid monthly please use Form SF2.

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Livestock Loan Guarantee Program (Beef)

Brand Application (CF1)
All cattle purchased by the association must be branded with a permanent, legible brand registered in the name of the Association. The Brand Application form (CF1) is a sample of the form used to register an association brand.

Management Information Summary (CF2)
The Management Information Summary (form CF2) must be completed when an association is formed or when an existing association changes its board of directors, local supervisor, secretary-treasurer, lender or auditor. For a new association, the form must be submitted as part of the formal Guarantee Application. For an existing association, the form must be updated annually at the annual general meeting.

Local Supervisor / Secretary-Treasurer Confirmation - (CF3)
The Local Supervisor / Secretary-Treasurer Confirmation form (CF3) must be completed when an association is formed or when the local supervisor and/or secretary-treasurer is being replaced. For a new association, the form must be forwarded to the provincial supervisor’s office along with the application for a guarantee.

Consent to Distribute Personal Information Purpose - (CF4)
The Consent to Distribute Personal Information form (CF4) may be completed whenever the association appoints a new secretary-treasurer and/or local supervisor or when a member of an association or lender representative becomes a member of the Producer Advisory Committee. The form grants permission to Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food to include the individual’s name, address and phone number in the Livestock Loan Guarantee Program’s Cattle Feeder and Breeder Policies and Procedures Manual as a publicly available.

Guarantee Application (Feeder) Purpose - (CF5)
The Guarantee Application (Feeder) form (CF5) is an application made by an association to the Government of Saskatchewan requesting a guarantee be provided to their lender on loans taken out for the purpose of purchasing feeder animals.

Guarantee Application (Breeder) - (CF6)
The Guarantee Application (Breeder) form (CF6) is an application made by an association to the Government of Saskatchewan requesting a guarantee be provided to their lender on loans taken out for the purpose of purchasing female breeding stock.

Three Party Agreement (Feeder) - (CF7)
The Three Party Agreement (Feeder) form (CF7) is a contract between the feeder association, the lender, and the Government of Saskatchewan.

Three Party Agreement (Breeder) - (CF8)
The Three Party Agreement (Breeder) form (CF8) is a contract between the breeder association, the lender and the Government of Saskatchewan.

Membership Application (CF9)
The Membership Application form is to be used when:
- a prospective member applies to join the association;
- a member approved for one option applies for approval in the other option; or
- a member approved for the feeder option applies for approval to participate in the feeder   cow option.

Basic Rules for Members - (CF10)
The Basic Rules for Members form (CF10) is a summary of basic requirements that members must follow when buying or selling cattle through the association. It should be sent out to all new members of the association once they have been approved by the board of directors, the lender and the provincial supervisor and should be sent periodically to all members of the association as a reminder.

Loan Increase Application - (CF11)
The Loan Increase Application form (CF11) is to be used when a member applies for an increase in the maximum loan that can be taken by the association on the member’s behalf.

Board of Directors’ Application Review Checklist - (CF12)
The Board of Directors’ Application Review Checklist form (CF12) provides a list of routine questions that the board of directors should consider when reviewing applications to the association, including membership applications, loan increases, loan extensions or other applications requiring board approval.

Enduring Power of Attorney - (CF13)
The Enduring Power of Attorney form (CF13) is used when a member of the association wants to authorize another person to sign association documents on his or her behalf.

Legal Advice and Witness Certificate - (CF13.1)
The Legal Advice and Witness Certificate form (CF13.1) is used when a member of the association chooses to use a lawyer as a witness to an Enduring Power of Attorney form (CF13).

Non-Lawyer Witness Certificate - (CF13.2)
The Non-Lawyer Witness Certificate form (CF13.2) is used when a member of the association chooses to use two non-lawyer adults as witness to an Enduring Power of Attorney form (CF13).

Cancellation of Enduring Power of Attorney - (CF14)
The Cancellation of Enduring Power of Attorney form (CF14) is used when a member wants to cancel an Enduring Power of Attorney that is no longer required.

Schedule A Feeder Agreement - (CF15)
The Schedule A Feeder Agreement (CF15) must be completed each time the association requests an advance for the purchase of eligible feeder cattle on behalf of a member. The Schedule A Feeder Agreement is a personal covenant whereby the member agrees to indemnify the association for the entire amount of the advance and interest, regardless of returns from the sale of the cattle or if a guarantee payment has been made.

Schedule B Breeder Agreement - (CF16)
The Schedule B Breeder Agreement (CF16) must be completed each time the association requests an advance for the purchase of eligible breeding stock on behalf of a member. The Schedule B Breeder Agreement is a personal covenant whereby the member agrees to indemnify the association for the entire amount of the loan and interest, regardless of returns from the sale of the breeding stock and their offspring.

Custom Feeding Receipt and Waiver (Monthly) - (CF17)
The Custom Feeder Receipt and Waiver (Monthly) form (CF17) must be completed on a monthly basis for any member who places cattle owned by the association into a custom feedlot or custom pasture, unless a Long-Term Custom Feeding Agreement (CF18) has been completed.

Custom Feeding Agreement (Long-Term) - (CF18)
The Custom Feeding Agreement (Long-Term) form (CF18) is to be used where a custom operator has agreed to carry the costs of custom feeding a member’s cattle to the date indicated and such period of time is longer than one month.

Summary of Transactions - (CF19)
The Summary of Transactions form (CF19) is used by associations who opt to hold more frequent board meetings, rather than have a board member sign each Schedule A Feeder Agreement or Schedule B Breeder Agreement (for details, refer to item 4 on page G-8. However, the Livestock Loan Guarantee Program strongly recommends the use of the Summary of Transactions form as an effective reference for any board

Replacement of Breeding Stock - (CF20)
The Replacement of Breeding Stock form (CF20) is used in the event that breeding stock covered by the government guarantee were culled or died and the member wishes to replace the culled or dead animals with other animals of equal value and continue to make the required payments.

Transfer of Ownership - (CF21)
The Transfer of Ownership form (CF21) is used to transfer ownership of cattle from the association to a member upon repayment of a loan taken out by the association on the member’s behalf. The form is typically used when a member wants to:
- sell the cattle with the payment being sent directly to the member;
- or resign from the association once all loans have been paid.

Livestock Manifest -(CF22)
The Livestock Manifest (CF22) must always be used when selling association livestock.

Loan Extension Application (Feeder) - (CF23)
The Loan Extension Application (Feeder) (CF23) is a request by a member to extend the repayment date on a feeder loan(s) taken by the association on the member’s behalf.

Loan Extension Application (Breeder) - (CF24)
The Loan Extension Application (Breeder) (form CF24) is a request by a member to extend the repayment date on a breeder loan(s) taken by the association on the member’s behalf.

Feeder Inventory Confirmation Report - (CF25.1)
The Feeder Inventory Confirmation Report (form CF25.1) is used by the local supervisor to report the results of feeder inventory inspections. It is primarily used for those members who do not zero out on an annual basis, however it can also be used whenever an association requests an inventory audit ie. on release of equity. The completed report must be submitted to the provincial supervisor and the lender each time an audit is completed.

Local Supervisor’s Monthly Report (Feeder) - (CF26)
The Local Supervisor’s Monthly Report (Feeder) (form CF26) shows the number of animals at the beginning of the month; number of animals purchased, sold, died and released; the end of month inventory along with an estimated market value; and, the assurance deposit for each active member. It must be completed monthly and sent to the provincial supervisor, with a copy to the lender.

Local Supervisor’s Monthly Report (Breeder) - (CF27)
The Local Supervisor’s Monthly Report (Breeder) (form CF27) shows the number of animals at the beginning of the month; number of head purchased, sold, died and released; the end of month inventory along with an estimated market value; and, the assurance deposit for each active member. It must be completed monthly and sent to the provincial supervisor, with a copy to the lender.

Lender’s Monthly Report - (CF28)
At the end of each month, the lender is required submits a monthly report on the association to the provincial supervisor, with a copy sent to the association. This report(s) is due by the tenth day of the month following the month being reported. For example, the February report is due by March 10.

Check-Off Exemption - (CF29)
The Check-Off Exemption form (CF29) is used when the association transfers cattle between options, without a change of ownership occurring, and wants to exempt the transaction from check-off fees.

Request for Warrant - (CF30)
The Request for Warrant form (CF30) is used when the association wants to obtain a warrant for purposes of inspecting and/or removing association cattle from the possession of an association member.

Indemnity - (CF31)
The Indemnity form (CF31) is used to release the government from any liability related to the acts or omissions of the association during the seizure action.

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Meat Processing Investment Rebate Program
The Meat Processing Investment Rebate Program offers a 15 per cent rebate on construction costs for federally registered new plant construction or expansion. The rebate also applies to costs associated with a change of status from provincially regulated to federally registered status, or a move from federally registered status to European Union (EU) status.

Cattle Check-Off Deductions Collected Report Form – Livestock Dealer
This form is to be used by licensed Saskatchewan livestock dealers to voluntarily submit check-off deducted from cattle sales where there is no brand inspection. Under The Cattle Marketing Deductions Act, 1998, all cattle sold in Saskatchewan, including purebred cattle, are subject to a cattle check-off deduction.

Cattle Check-Off Deductions Collected Report Form – Non-Dealer
This form is to be used by non-dealers, such as sales management firms and purebred associations, to voluntarily submit check-off deducted from cattle sales where there is no brand inspection. Under The Cattle Marketing Deductions Act, 1998, all cattle sold in Saskatchewan, including purebred cattle, are subject to a cattle check-off deduction.

Domestic Fur Farm License Application
This application may be used by individuals that wish to be licensed in order to operate a commercial fur farm. Licenses are issued under The Fur Farming Regulations pursuant to the Animal Products Act

Livestock Agent License Application
This form may be used by a licensed Livestock Dealer to apply to authorize an individual as their agent or representative with respect to buying and selling livestock on the dealer’s account. Agent licenses are issued under the “The Livestock Dealer Regulations, 1995.”

Livestock Dealer License Application
This form may be used by individuals that wish to conduct business as a licensed and bonded livestock dealer. A livestock dealer is a person who buys or sells livestock or who offers to buy or sell livestock in Saskatchewan. Licenses are issued under the “The Livestock Dealer Regulations, 1995.”

Livestock Dealer Statutory Declaration
This form is to be completed by individuals that are applying to become licensed Livestock Dealers as well as for Livestock Dealers that are currently licensed. The purpose of the form is to ensure that a person applying for a license , or one that already has a license has a sufficient surety bond amount to cover the amount of livestock that they purchase or intend to purchase.

PorkPLAN Version 5.0
PorkPLAN is an Excel computer program for business planning and financial analysis of pork production operations. It simulates the profitability of an operation by using the production and financial inputs of an operation. PorkPLAN can simulate various types of operations including: farrow to wean, farrow to feeder, farrow to finisher, and feeder/finisher operations.

Poultry Licence
This application may be used by individuals that wish to be licensed as a Hatchery Operator, Chick Agent, Egg or Egg Product Wholesaler, Producer Egg Grader, Brooder Room Operator, Registered Egg Station, Processed Poultry Wholesaler, Registered Poultry Station, or a Custom Poultry Processing Station. Licenses are issued under The Saskatchewan Hatchery Regulations, 1978, The Saskatchewan Poultry Regulations, The Saskatchewan Egg Regulations pursuant to the Animal Products Act.

Statutory Declaration
Farmers who wish to make a claim on a livestock dealers bond must complete a Statutory Declaration. Instructions and the Statutory Declaration form are found at link

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Game Farm

Application to Import Domestic Game Animals
This application may be used by individuals that wish to import domestic game farm animals as listed in the Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations pursuant to the Animal Products Act

Canadian Chronic Wasting Disease Voluntary Herd Certification Program Inventory Form
This form can be used by licensed game farm operators on the Canadian Chronic Wasting disease (CWD) Voluntary Herd Certification Program who have the option of completing their own whole herd inventory. To be eligible to complete this inventory form, an operator must be registered in the Canadian CWD Voluntary Herd Certification Program at level C, B or Certified. The inventory must be completed within the period three months before or after the operator's anniversary date. A physical inspection by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Canadian Food Inspection Agency or an accredited veterinarian is required every third year.

Canadian Chronic Wasting Disease Voluntary Herd Certification Program Registration Form
This form is required by licensed game farm operators who wish to register for the Canadian Chronic Wasting Disease Voluntary Herd Certification Program.

Chronic Wasting Disease Submission Form
This is the official submission form required by Prairie Diagnostic Services when a cervid is submitted to the laboratory in Regina or Saskatoon for Chronic Wasting Disease testing.

Domestic Game Farm Licence Application
Any person wanting to establish a game farm or sell game animals or their products is required to obtain a license. Domestic Game Farms include the following species: Elk, Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer, Fallow Deer, Musk Deer, Antelope, Caribou, Moose, Thick & Thin Horn sheep and Reindeer. The Game Farm Licence Fee is $200 for 5 years. (ending December 31st of the 5th year)

Elk Birth/Death Report
The Elk Birth/Death Report is for owners of Elk, Antelope, Reindeer, Caribou, Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Thinhorn Sheep, Mouflon Sheep, Musk Deer and Mountain Goats to record their births, deaths and ID changes. This report must be submitted to Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food by January 30th of each year. In accordance with The Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations, all the above animals must be uniquely identified by December 31st of the year in which they are born.

Fallow Deer Birth/Death Report
The Fallow Deer Birth/Death Report is for owners of Fallow Deer to record their births, deaths and ID changes. This report must be submitted to Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food by August 30th of each year. In accordance with The Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations, all the above animals must be uniquely identified by July 31st of the year in which they are born.

Game Farm Ear Tag (Non Elk) Order
Game farm animals must be tagged so that privately owned animals are identified from free-ranging native Saskatchewan big game. Under The Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations, administered by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF), big game cannot be captured for game farming. Each animal must be identified with a second identification. It may be a producer tag, a Health of Animal’s tag issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), a mark (tattoo) or an electronic device. The unique identification is required for all domestic game farm animals that a producer: • holds; • slaughters; • trades or sells; or • transports Every domestic game farm elk born on your farm needs to have unique identification by December 31st of the year of birth. One form of identification must be a tag issued under authority of the minister of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. The authority to issue this government approved tag for elk has been given to the Saskatchewan Elk Breeders Association (SEBA). To order Elk tags contact the Saskatchewan Elk Breeders Association at: Phone: (306) 782-6500 Fax (306) 782-6501 Email: Website Saskatchewan Elk Breeders Association 381 Parkview Road, Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 2L4

Game Farm Ear Tag (Non Elk) Replacement Order
Game farm animals must be tagged so that privately owned animals are identified from free-ranging native Saskatchewan big game. Under The Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations, administered by Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF), big game cannot be captured for game farming. Each animal must be identified with a second identification. It may be a producer tag, a Health of Animal’s tag issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), a mark (tattoo) or an electronic device. The unique identification is required for all domestic game farm animals that a producer: • holds; • slaughters; • trades or sells; or • transports Every domestic game farm elk born on your farm needs to have unique identification by December 31st of the year of birth. One form of identification must be a tag issued under authority of the minister of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. The authority to issue this government approved tag for elk has been given to the Saskatchewan Elk Breeders Association (SEBA). To order Elk tags contact the Saskatchewan Elk Breeders Association at: Phone: (306) 782-6500 Fax (306) 782-6501 Email: Website Saskatchewan Elk Breeders Association 381 Parkview Road, Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 2L4

Harvest Preserve Inventory Form
The Harvest Preserve Inventory Form is used to obtain pre-authorized export certificates for domestic game farm animal product. This form includes the entire catalogue of animals that are to be designated for the hunt. PLEASE NOTE: Certificates will be issued by SAF only after the animals on the inventory supplied are verified against the Provincial Inventory. A fee of $25 is required for each certificate you request. All export certificates must be paid for in advance and are non-refundable. With the completed form send a cheque or money order payable to “The Minister of Finance”. All requests for Export certificates should be forwarded to: Inspection and Regulatory Management Branch Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Room 201 3085 Albert Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B1 Question about the collection of this information can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4606 or (306) 787-5053

Saskatchewan’s Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program Enrollment Form
This form must be completed and submitted in conjunction with a request for a new domestic game farm licence application form. All game farm operators need to be enrolled in Saskatchewan's Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program as required by The Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations.

White-Tailed/ Mule Deer Birth/Death Report
The White-Tailed Deer and Mule Deer Birth/Death Report is for owners of White-Tailed Deer and Mule Deer to record their births, deaths and ID changes. This report must be submitted to SAF by April 30th of each year. In accordance with The Domestic Game Farm Animal Regulations, all the above animals must be uniquely identified by March 31st of the year in which they are born.

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Ag Implement Dealer License Renewal
Agricultural Implement Dealers in Saskatchewan are required to be licenced under the provision of the Agricultural Implements Act. They must renew their registration annually before March 31st. The dealer licence fee ($100) is set by the Agricultural Implements Board. A licence renewal notice (form) is sent annually to dealers licensed the previous year. Question about the collection of this information can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4680

Ag Implement Dealer License Application
Agricultural Implement Dealers in Saskatchewan are required to be licenced annually under the provision of the Agricultural Implements Act. The dealer licence fee ($100) is set by the Agricultural Implements Board. Question about the collection of this information can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4680

Agricultural Implement Distributor Registration Application/Renewal
This form is used to collect registration information for the Act administered by the Agricultural Implements Board. Agricultural Implement Distributors in Saskatchewan are required to be registered to operate their Implement distribution business. They must renew their registration annually before March 31st. The department will send out a renewal form annually in early February to distributors who were registered the previous year. Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4680 or 787-4693

Agriculture Implements Compensation Claim
Farmers who feel they have incurred a loss due to an unreasonable delay in the availability of a repair or who consider they have incurred a loss due to the dealer or the distributor not fulfilling the condition or warranties as set out in the Agricultural Implements Act or in a conditional sales contract, may apply to the Ag Implements Board for compensation. The maximum compensation is $10, 000. If an application is made to the Board, this would bar any subsequent action through a court of law on this matter. Question about the Agriculture Implements Compensation Claim can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4680

Agriculture Nuisance Complaint (Application for Determination)
The Nuisance Provisions of The Agricultural Operations Act, allows an individual to file a nuisance complaint with the Agricultural Operation Review Board (AORB) about a particular Agriculture Operation. The AORB will review complaints about odour, noise, dust, smoke and other disturbances which adversely affect the use and enjoyment of one’s property. The Board will consider if the activity causing the disturbance is outside of the normally accepted agricultural practice. The owner/operator of the Agricultural Operation will be notified of the complaint. There is a refundable $107.00 fee for an application to the Agricultural Operation Review Board. This fee is refunded if the complaint is resolved before a hearing or if the Board rules in favour of the complainant. You can find more information about the handing of Nuisance Complaints on page 16 of the Establishing and Managing Livestock Operations found at : Questions about the Nuisance Provisions of The Agricultural Operation Act can be directed to the, Secretary to the AORB. (306) 787-4693

Appeal of Crown Land Allocation
A person who disagrees with the decision of the Minister respecting the allocation of crown land or the termination of a lease may, within 14 days of the date that he is notified that: (a) he has not be allocated the land, or (b) his lease has been terminated; as the case may be, appeal to the Lands Appeal Board. Completion of the Appeal of Crown Land Allocation form is required to start the Appeal process. Question about the Appeal of Crown Land Allocation can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4693 or Fax (306) 787-1315

Contract for the Sale of a New Farm Implement
This form should be used by Ag. Implement dealers when selling new farm equipment.

Intensive Livestock Inquiry Form
The agricultural Operations Act is designed to ensure livestock operations develop and operate in a manner that protects surface and groundwater. The Act requires certain classes of intensive livestock operation to obtain approval. You can find a Self Evaluation Farm Facts on SAF website at This document is located in the categories box on the right side of the above page. At the same location you can also find information on the Intensive Livestock Operation, Review and Approval Process. Also at this location is a complete package of information called Establishing and Managing Livestock Operations. For more information about ILO approval requirements or about completing an application, please complete the Intensive Livestock Inquiry Form. Question about the Intensive Livestock Inquiry Form, can be directed to the Inspection & Regulatory Management Branch of Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. (306) 787-4680

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Research Funding

Agriculture Development Fund Application
The ADF Proposal-Based Program provides funding for agriculture and agri-food research and development projects that help SAF to achieve its strategic goals and support the development of an innovative, diversified and value-added economy for Saskatchewan. Additional Information about ADF's Letter of Intent Process can be found at: Programs & Services/ ADFbrochure or you can contact our office at (306) 787-6566/787-6562 or email us at

Agricultural New Generation Co-operative Program Application Form
The Agriculture New Generation Co-operative (ANGen) Program is to assist the development of value-added agricultural new generation co-ops. Financial assistance is provided for: market assessments; feasibility studies; business plans; organizational development; prospectus; and, pre-design of facilities. Interested groups should contact SAF for assistance in completing the application form and/or determining eligibility for receiving funding.

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Pesticide Applicator License
Is mandatory for all individuals and employees who apply pesticides on a custom basis. •Successful completion of the Pesticide Applicator exam is required prior to obtaining license. Applicants must be 18 years of age. •Pesticide Applicator, dispenser and vendor training and examinations are offered through the Business and Agricultural Division of S.I.A.S.T. Wascana Campus (1-866-867-4728) •License fee is $20

Pesticide Service License
Is required for individuals or companies who operate a pesticide application business •Prerequisite training or certifications are not required however, all individuals applying pesticides on behalf of the business are required to have a valid pesticide applicator license •License fee is $20

Pesticide Vendor License
Pesticide Vendor license is required by all pesticide retailers who sell pesticides to licensed applicators or farmers. •Each vendor must employ at least one dispenser at each outlet covered by the pesticide vendor license. •License fee is $50

Private Pesticide Applicator Certificate
It is a voluntary certification for individuals applying pesticides on their own property •Successful completion of Private Pesticide Applicator exam is required prior to obtaining certificate •Private Pesticide Applicator training program and exam are offered through the Business and Agricultural Division of S.I.A.S.T. Wascana Campus (1-800-667-7730) •Private Pesticide Applicator Certificate is valid for 5 years •Certificate fee is $20

Candidates should complete the following forms to request credit approval of a meeting, informational session, workshop, clinic and/or other training through the Continuing Education Program.

Table of Contents


Century Family Farm Award
To honour Saskatchewan’s farm families and their role in the development of the province, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF) introduced the Century Family Farm Award in 1981. Farms are eligible for the award if members of the same family have farmed the land continuously for 100 years or more. Completed application forms must be submitted to your local Rural Municipality Administrator for verification.

Green Certificate Farm Training Program
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food administers a program in Saskatchewan called the Green Certificate Farm Training Program. This program is a way of conducting staff training on Saskatchewan farms, or in the agriculture industry. Its goal is to train individuals to competently fill key roles in the farming industry.

Public Member’s Reimbursement Statement
This form is for the use by appointed members of Agricultural and Food boards, commissions or committees. Members will use this form to be reimbursed for there travel expenses and honorariums relating to there duties on these boards, commissions and committees. In you have questions regarding this form call 306-787-5145

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.