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Crop Protection Laboratory Services

May, 2004


To provide diagnostic services in the areas of plant health, insects, weed control and herbicide resistance screening.

When sending samples to the lab, a completed Crop Protection Diagnostic Lab Form is required, please use this form (PDF)


The Pest Management Unit laboratory services enhance the capability of producers and the public to deal with pest constraints to crop production. The laboratory is open year round and employs the most up-to-date technology and expertise to provide accurate diagnoses and current recommendations.

Fee for services:

  • insect and plant identification, visual $10
  • plant disease diagnosis, visual $20
  • plant disease diagnosis, culturing $40
  • herbicide resistance testing:
    • Green foxtail (group 3) $35
    • Green foxtail (group 1) $60
    • Wild oats (group 1) $100
  • Any other diagnostic tests $90


The Crop Protection Laboratory is the only broad spectrum, pest management diagnostic service available in Saskatchewan.


Production Technology Section: CROP PROTECTION LABORATORY
Room 125, 3085 Albert Street, Regina SK S4S 0B1 (address for mailing samples)
Phone: (306) 787-8130; Fax: (306) 787-8803
346 McDonald Street, Regina SK S4N 6P6 (courier or drop off samples in person)

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.