Government of Saskatchewan

Office of Disability Issues
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The Office of Disability Issues serves as a focal point for government initiatives on disabilities. The Office is a vehicle for collaboration and partnership with the disability community. Saskatchewan Community Resources hosts the Office which was established in March, 1998.

The Office of Disability Issues has a direct working relationship with other government departments, the disability community and the public. The Office works with representatives of aboriginal communities to address the needs of aboriginal persons with disabilities. It also addresses life cycle and gender issues which include consideration of the needs of children and youth, women and elderly persons with disabilities.


The mandate of the Office of Disability Issues is:

  • to direct the development of an integrated, coordinated array of public policies, programs and services for persons with disabilities;
  • to work with government departments and the disability community to identify and resolve issues of concern to the disability community;
  • to participate on behalf of Saskatchewan at federal and interprovincial meetings; and
  • to work with departments and the community in implementing the national vision for persons with disabilities.

The functions of the office include leadership, coordination, research, policy development, education, communication, consultation, collaboration and negotiation.

The Office addresses the following issues, among others:

  • education, training and employment, and labour concerns;
  • income and disability supports, including housing and transportation;
  • health and wellness, quality of life; and
  • citizenship, equitable access throughout Saskatchewan.

For more information, contact:

The Office of Disability Issues
14th floor, 1920 Broad Street
Regina, SK  S4P 3V6
TTY: (306)787-7283
Fax: 306-798-0364

Click on the hyperlink to access Disability WebLinks, a collaborative Federal/Provincial/Territorial project undertaken by Ministers responsible for Social Services and developed in consultation with representatives from the disability community.

See also Saskatchewan Council on Disability Issues.



Last Updated May 2, 2006