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Innovation and Science Fund


The Innovation and Science Fund (ISF) will provide funding to Saskatchewan universities, colleges and research institutes in support of projects receiving approval and funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Canada Research Chairs (CRC), the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF), and the provincial portion of the Medical Research Council Regional Partnership Program (MRCRPP), or its successor under the newly established Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).


The ISF is designed to:
  • promote excellence in research at our post-secondary institutions and associated non-profit research institutes;
  • promote research and development partnerships among post-secondary institutions, governments, and the private sector;
  • lever federal research funding for Saskatchewan by ensuring that our institutions are able to effectively compete in national research funding competitions;
  • improve the province's ability to attract and retain high quality scientists and researchers;
  • promote economic growth and quality of life through innovation and research; and develop Saskatchewan's human capital and innovative capacity.
Application Process

Proponents are required to submit an application and necessary attachments outlining the project description, expected outputs, deliverables, benefits, costs and expected sources of funding over the life of the initiative. Notices of intent will not be accepted. Researchers applying to the MRCRPP do not need to use the application form.

For More Information, Contact:

John Biss, Executive Director
University Services Branch
Advanced Education and Employment
3 - 2220 College Avenue
Phone: (306) 787-5900
Fax: (306) 787-9178