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What We Do
  What's Important to You?
Saskatchewan is an amazing place to live! But don't take our word for it . . . listen to what health care professionals who live and work in Saskatchewan have to say!

Click on the image below to see clips and read testimonials from real health workforce employees who live in Saskatchewan.

What's Important to You?

Physicians - Assessment of Eligibility for Licensure
Physicians who are not currently licensed to practice in the province of Saskatchewan, please visit our Physician Assessment page for information regarding the College of Physicians and Surgeons' process of assessment for licensure.

All physicians must be registered with and licensed by the College in order to practice medicine in Saskatchewan.

Our Services Are Free!
We offer free recruitment services. You don't have to sign a contract with a third party (such as a recruiting agency) to apply for our positions or pay a third party to apply on your behalf - at Health Careers In Sask, you can apply on our website yourself.

Current vacant positions in the regional health authorities and Saskatchewan Cancer Agency are listed on our website. When you apply online, your application is sent directly to the associated region. Visit our Find A Job pages to view specific information about job opportunities in Saskatchewan.

Your Future Is Here!
In Saskatchewan, the opportunities are as wide open as the sky. From our warm, friendly people to our breathtaking sunsets to our affordable cost of living . . . Saskatchewan is one of the best places in the world to live.

Our short commutes mean we have hours of spare time. A low cost of living means we can afford to own a home. Our spirit of innovation has transformed the province to a thriving economic centre rich in opportunity. With 5 million acres of parkland, including 34 Provincial Parks, and an abundance of sporting, cultural, and recreational events, there is no shortage of activities to enjoy.

We are the land of living skies, where sharing and laughter are a way of life, our people are down to earth, and everywhere you go, a warm welcome awaits you!

To learn more about Saskatchewan, visit our Saskatchewan Advantage page.

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  Saskatchewan Health
email: contactus@healthcareersinsask.ca  
  phone: 1.877.SK.HIRES  (1.877.754.4737)