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Common Questions About Immigrating to Saskatchewan

What is the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)?
SINP is an immigration program under which the Province of Saskatchewan selects individuals from other countries and nominates them to the federal government for landed immigrant status.  SINP eligibility criteria reflect the specific needs of Saskatchewan’s labour market and economy.

How do I apply under SINP?
You must complete a SINP application in one of five categories:  Skilled Workers, Health Professions, Entrepreneurs, Farm Owner/Operators and Students.  You must also complete the appropriate federal application for your category.  Your SINP and federal applications will be reviewed by SINP program officers.  If you meet the SINP eligibility criteria, you will be nominated to the federal government.  When you receive notice of your nomination, you must then submit the federal application to the appropriate visa office of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).  CIC will then review your file and complete health, security and criminal background checks.

Do I need to meet the eligibility requirements of federal immigration classes?
No.  SINP’s eligibility criteria will be used to assess your application.  You will, however, be subject to the federal government’s health, security and criminality reviews, and could be asked to supply additional information to CIC.  In some cases, individuals may be approved under Saskatchewan’s criteria that would be refused under federal immigration classes.

How long will it take to get a visa under the SINP?
Processing times vary, however, successful SINP applications typically receive visas considerably quicker than individuals applying through federal immigration classes.  In the first two years of operating the SINP, the average time from making the SINP application to receiving a visa was about eight months.

Will I be interviewed by a federal immigration officer?
This is unlikely.

Where do I submit the SINP application?
The address can be found on the SINP application forms for each of the five categories.

Am I required to get a medical check done?
Yes.  If you are nominated under the SINP, you will receive instructions from the Canadian visa office on how to get medical examinations done for you and your family members.

Will background checks be done on me?
Yes.  SINP nominees and their adult family members undergo security and criminality screening by CIC, as do all other immigrants to Canada.  This will occur when your nomination is forwarded to the federal government by Saskatchewan Immigration Branch.

What financial assets do I need under the SINP?
This varies among the five SINP categories.  There are no financial requirements under the Skilled Workers, Health Professions and Students categories, but federal guidelines recommend that immigrants arrive with a minimum of $10,000 plus $2,000 for each dependent, or some other source of financial support in Canada.  Entrepreneurs should have financial resources appropriate for their business plans in Saskatchewan.  Farmers must prove a net worth of $500,000 (Cdn).

I am eager to move as soon as possible.  When should I make arrangements to move to Saskatchewan?
Applicants should not make arrangements to move from their current country of residence (such as quitting their job, selling their house or business) until they are notified by Citizenship and Immigration Canada that a visa is being issued to them.

I have applied for refugee status in Canada.  Can I also apply under SINP?
No.  SINP will not process applications by individuals who are applying in any other immigration category, including a refugee claim.

I am working in Saskatchewan on a Temporary Work Authorization and may qualify in a SINP category.  Could I be considered under SINP?

I wish to immigrate to Canada and am willing to invest in a business in Saskatchewan.
Am I eligible under SINP's Entrepreneur category?

Business applicants must show they intend to manage and operate a business in Saskatchewan, not just invest in it, and that they will live in Saskatchewan.  Passive investments (investments in a business without ongoing management responsibilities) are not eligible.  Individuals wishing to immigrate as passive investors may apply under the federal Immigrant Investor Program administered by CIC.

Do I need to get my trade or profession credentials recognized in Saskatchewan before applying under SINP as a Skilled Worker?
You must provide documented proof of your education, training, occupational credentials and/or work experience that show you can become eligible to work in your occupation in Saskatchewan after your arrival.  If necessary, SINP program officers may ask you to have your credentials reviewed by a qualification assessment organization or the regulatory body responsible for your occupation in Saskatchewan.