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About Saskatchewan > Lifestyle

A stable society
According to the United Nations’ Human Development Index, Canada is one of the best countries in the world in which to live due to our strong social safety net and enthusiastic support of education for all.  According to the same criteria, Saskatchewan is the best place to reside in Canada based on quality of life.

Canadian society is built on an open, democratic system of government and a justice system designed to protect the individual and prevent the violence and persecution that is too often seen in other countries.

The police and courts are subject to regulations and public scrutiny that guarantee fairness and protection for all residents.  The integrity of the RCMP, Canada’s national police force, is recognized throughout the world. In fact, the RCMP has been used as a model for police forces around the globe.

Regardless of race, creed or country of origin, Canada's constitution ensures that individual human rights and freedoms are protected.  Saskatchewan welcomes immigrants from around the world to come and enjoy the freedom, security and opportunity our province has to offer.

Job opportunities
Saskatchewan is always looking for people who can help build and diversify our economy.  There are plenty of opportunities to find a good job, further your career, run your own business or operate your own farm.  Discover your dream, then live it in Saskatchewan!  For more information on job opportunities in Saskatchewan, visit the Saskjobs web site and Provincial Government Careers.

Saskatchewan is a great place to raise children…a place that holds family values in high esteem…a place that offers safe, friendly communities, neighbourhoods and schools.

Urban or rural, our province has a history and tradition that revolves around family life and a strong sense of community.  Our major cities and smaller centres offer a wide range of well-organized after-school activities for children of all ages such as: sports, arts and crafts, girl guides and cub scouts.  Bring your family to Saskatchewan and watch each family member learn and grow in our lively, nurturing environment.

Culture and arts
Entertainment, arts and culture are plentiful in Saskatchewan, from major stage productions and other performing arts to musical jamborees … from art galleries to pioneer museums to rodeos … from craft bazaars to multicultural festivals to pow wows … from rock-and-roll concerts to country music to classical.

We have more museums per capita than anywhere else in Canada, including the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and the world-famous RCMP Museum, both located in Regina.  We also have many smaller community museums, such as the Eastend Fossil Research Station near where "Scotty," one of the world’s most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons, was discovered.

For more information on cultural and multicultural opportunities in Saskatchewan, visit the websites of the Mackenzie Art Gallery in Regina, the Mendel Art Gallery in Saskatoon, the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre, Saskatchewan Culture, Youth and Recreation, and the culture page of the Great Plains Free-Net.

Just for the fun of it
You'll love your leisure time in Saskatchewan.  We have vast areas of public parkland in two national parks and 23 provincial parks that offer limitless opportunities for swimming, boating, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet.

For the adventurous, Saskatchewan has some of the best sport fishing and wilderness canoeing in the world.  There are more than 100,000 freshwater lakes in our province that make great getaways.  During the winter months, skating, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling are popular.

Saskatchewan’s cities are graced by urban parks such as Meewasin Valley in Saskatoon, Wakamow Valley in Moose Jaw, and Regina’s Wascana Centre, one of the largest urban parks in the world.  We have major attractions for families like Wanuskewin Heritage Park and the Saskatchewan Science Centre.  Throughout the year, residents join in the many organized activities staged in our cities’ parks, or use them for quiet walks, jogging, family barbecues, cross-country skiing and bird-watching.

Sports fans moving to our province won't be disappointed either, with professional football, major junior hockey, and baseball to enjoy.  If golf is your game, we have excellent public courses and private clubs throughout Saskatchewan.

Part of the allure of starting a new life is having leisure time and lots of opportunity to enjoy it.  The range of what Saskatchewan has to offer will amaze and delight you.