Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division

bullet Saskatchewan General Rulings and Orders

Implementing Orders

21-801 Implementing Order GRO 21-801 Exemptions under NI 21-101 Marketplace Operations and NI 23-101 Trading Rules January 1, 2007 Interim relief from information transparency requirements in NI 21-101 and electronic record keeping requirements in NI 23-101.
31-801 Implementing Order Implementing National Registration Database Feb 12, 2002 Exempts certain Saskatchewan based firms from complying with MI 31-102 National Registration Database.
31-804 Implementing Order Extending Time Periods under MI 31-102 and MI 33-109 Nov 14, 2003 Extends the time periods in which registrants are required to file certain information under the transitional provisions of MI 31-102 and MI 33-109 to December 15, 2003.  Extends certain other deadlines under March 31, 2006.  Also grants an exemption for registered firms and individuals from filing certain forms under MI 31-102 and MI 33-109 where certain changes to an individual's personal information do not affect the individual's suitability for registration or status as a non-registered inidividual.
32-801 Implementing  Order Suspension of LI 32-501 Deposit Agents December 5, 2005.  Amended Feb 13, 2006.  Amended October 1, 2006 Suspends the implementation of LI 32-501 indefinitely.
44-801 Implementing Order Implementing National Instrument 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions. Mar 9, 2001 Grants exemptions necessary to implement National Instrument 44-101. 
44-802 Implementing Order Implementing National Instrument 44-102 Shelf  Distributions. Mar 9, 2001 Grants exemptions necessary to implement National Instrument 44-102. 
44-803 Implementing Order Implementing National Instrument 44-103 Post-Receipt Pricing. Mar 9, 2001 Grants exemptions necessary to implement National Instrument 44-103. 
45-801 Implementing Order Implementing Multilateral Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities Nov 30, 2001 Grants exemptions necessary to implement Multilateral Instrument 45-102.  Also amends prior Commission rulings to substitute the resale rules in MI 45-102 for the resale rules in the rulings.


Implementing Order

Multijurisdictional Disclosure System

July 3, 1991.

Implements the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System under National Policy 45.


General Exemption Orders


General Recognition Order

Recognition Order

July 7, 1998.

Amended September 5, 2003,  March 15, 2004,  September 14, 2005, and May 29, 2006

Sets out the Commission's recognition of certain exchanges, jurisdictions and self-regulatory organizations under certain provisions of the Act.

11-902 Recognition Order Recognition of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada July 17, 2000.

Amended April 17, 2003

Recognizes the Investment Dealers Association of Canada as a self-regulatory organization, subject to certain conditions.
11-903 Recognition Order Recognition of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada Feb 13, 2001

Amended and restated on April 16, 2004

Recognizes the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada as a self-regulatory organization, subject to certain terms and conditions.
11-703 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Amendment to GRO 11-903 Recognition of MFDA to extend suspension of MFDA Rule 2.4.1 November 20, 2007 Gives notice that GRO 11-903 Recognition of the MFDA was amended to extend the suspension of MFDA Rule 2.4.1 from December 31, 2006 to December 31, 2008.
11-904 Approval Order Approval of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund September 13, 2002 Approves the Canadian Investor Protection Fund pursuant to section 23(1) of The Securities Regulations on certain conditions.
11-905 Approval Order Approval of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association Investor Protection Corporation May 12, 2005.

Amended August 28, 2006.

Approves the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation pursuant to section 23(1) of The Securities Regulations on certain conditions.
11-906 Specification Order Offering Memorandum Specification Order June 1, 2006 Specifies the documents that are not offering memoranda pursuant to subclause 2(1)(ff)(ii) of the Act.
11-907 Designation Order Designation Order Pursuant to Section 11.1 June 1, 2006 Designates Type B corporations under The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Act not to be mutual funds or non-redeemable investment funds.
21-901 General Exemption Order Market Facilitation Activities by Issuers in Their Own Securities September 7, 2005 Grants the necessary exemptions to permit an issuer to carry out certain activities that facilitate trades in its own securities.


General Exemption Order

Advisors to Immigrant Investment Syndicates

Apr 20, 1990.

Varies certain registration requirements for advisers to immigrant investment syndicates on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Saskatchewan Small Business Security Issuers

July 7, 1998.  Amended June 8, 2002.

Varies certain registration requirements for certain securities issuers.

32-901 General Exemption Order Direct Purchase Plans August 21, 2002 Grants an exemption permitting a reporting issuer (other than a mutual fund) and an administrator of the reporting issuer to trade in the issuer's own securities under a direct purchase plan, subject to certain conditions.
33-901 General Exemption Order Suitability Requirements July 12, 2001 Exempts members of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada from the suitability requirements if they comply with certain IDA requirements.
33-905 General Exemption Order Exemption from Certain Provisions of Section 15 of Local Instrument 32-502 Requirements for Sale of Certain Securities Feb 23, 2005 Exempts managers doing a suitability review of a labour-sponsored venture fund security required by section 15 of Local Instrument 32-502 from the requirement to complete the Partners', Directors' and Officers' Examination if they have completed the Branch Managers' Course.


General Exemption Order

Non-Resident Registrants

May 1, 2000.

Amended August 28, 2001, November 8, 2001,  August 19, 2003 and Feb 23, 2005

Exempts investment dealers and mutual fund dealers from the requirement to maintain a business office and books and records in Saskatchewan on certain conditions. Also exempts domestic advisers and international advisers from the same requirements on certain conditions.

41-901 General Exemption Order Use of Prospectus Complying with OSC Rule 41-501 Prospectus Requirements Dec 20, 2000. Exempts issuers from the requirements in the Act and Regulations as to the form and content of a prospectus, if they comply with the form and content requirements of OSC Rule 41-501.


General Exemption Order

Trade Unions Which Sponsor Labor Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations

Feb 5, 1997.

Exempts trade unions which sponsor labour sponsored ventures capital offerings from signing the prospectus certificate on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Self-Directed Registered Education Savings Plans

Oct 24, 1990.

Grants registration and prospectus exemption to self-directed education savings plans approved under the Income Tax Act.


General Exemption Order


Exemptions for Certain Trades by and to Labor-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations

Sept 23, 1992.  Amended and restated January 5, 2005

Grants registration and prospectus exemptions to facilitate labour-sponsored venture capital offerings on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Rulings granted under Saskatchewan Policy Statement 45-601 - "Community Ventures - Section 83 Rulings" and Resale Restrictions in those Rulings

July 17, 1997.

Varies rulings granted to date under the Community Venture policy to relax the resale restrictions on securities acquired under those rulings.

45-912 General Exemption Order Exemption for Co-operatives and Credit Unions September 14, 2005 Grants prospectus and registration exemptions to co-operatives and credit unions that issue securities in accordance with The Co-operative Act and The Credit Union Act, 1998.
45-913 General Exemption Order Exemptions for Capital Accumulation Plans October 21, 2005 Grants exemptions to permit trades in securities of a mutual fund to a capital accumulation plan or to a member of a capital accumulation plan on certain conditions.
45-914 General Exemption Order Exemptions for Reinvestment Plans November 25, 2005 Grants on exemption from the dealer registration and prospectus requirements for trades of securities under dividend and distribution reinvestment plans.  Is similar to the exemption in section 2.2 of NI 45-106 without the restriction that the securities traded must be of the same class that the dividend or distribution was paid on.
45-915 General Exemption Order Exemptions for Certain Supranational Agencies May 4, 2006 Grants an exemption from the dealer registration and prospectus requirements for trades in debt security of or guaranteed by the African Development Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
45-916 General Exemption Order Exemption for Solicitations of Expressions of Interest May 25, 2006 Grants an exemption to permit solicitations of expressions of interest before the filing of a prospectus for securities to be issued pursuant to over-allotment options, on specified conditions.
45-917 General Exemption Order Filing Requirements for Amended Offering Memoranda September 29, 2006. Grants an exemption to issuers from the requirement in clause 80.1(3)(b) of  the Act to file an amended offering memorandum on or before the tenth day of the amendment on specified conditions.


General Exemption Order

Listing Representations

June 16, 1998.

Grants exemptions on certain conditions from the prohibition in subsection 44(3) of the Act against listing representations.


General Exemption Order

Exemption Orders made Pursuant to Parts XI, II and XIII of the Act

Nov 7, 1988.  Amended March 30, 2004.

Makes exemption orders from the continuous disclosure requirements under the former Act uniform.

51-904 General Exemption Order Curing Issuers' Defaults of Reporting Obligations Jan 22, 2001

Amended July 7, 2004

Amended January 1, 2006

Orders that reporting issuers that have been in default of their continuous disclosure  reporting obligations are deemed not to be in default if they meet certain conditions.  
51-905 General Exemption Order Varying the Terms of Previously Granted Orders March 30, 2004 Varies the terms of rulings previously granted by the Commission which impose continuous disclosure requirements on issuers.
51-906 General Exemption Order Exemption from Certain Continuous Disclosure Requirements under NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations March 30, 2004 Exempts certain issuers from certain financial reporting requirements under NI 51-102 on certain conditions.
51-907 General Exemption Order Venture Issuers Trading on Certain Foreign  Markets March 30, 2004.

Amended Feb 15, 2005

Grants an exemption from the requirement in the definition of "venture issuer" in NI 51-102  that a reporting issuer not have any of its securities listed on a marketplace outside of Canada or the US.
51-908 General Exemption Order Exemption from Interim Periods in Non-Standard Financial Years November 1, 2004 Grants an exemption from the requirement to file financial statements for interim periods ending 9, 6 and 3 months before the end of its financial to issuers that have non-standard financial years.
51-705  Staff Notice National Instrument 51-102 - Definition of "Interim Period" - GRO 51-908 November 1, 2004 Provides background to GRO 51-908.
51-909 General Exemption Order Waiver of Continuous Disclosure Requirements for Issuers That Have Made Offerings Under the Qualified Investor Exemption August 26, 2005 Waives the continuous disclosure requirements that apply to issuers that have made offerings under the Qualified Investor Exemption under clauses 39(1)(y) and 81(1)(s) of the Act.
52-904 General Exemption Order Certain Issuers Ceasing to be Reporting Issuers in Reorganizations and Take-over Bids Feb 23, 2005.

Amended March 17, 2005.

Amended June 1, 2006

Grants an order pursuant to section 92 of the Act that an issuer that becomes a reporting issuer under clause 2(1)(qq) when it files a securities exchange take-over bid or is involved in a reorganization, ceases to be a reporting issuer if it is a wholly owned subsidiary of another issuer or has not issued securities that are held by the public.
55-905 General Exemption Order Insider Trading Reports June 9, 2003

Amended Jan 1, 2005

Grants certain exemptions from the insider reporting requirements.
61-901 General Exemption Order Exemption from Valuation Requirement in Certain Take-over Bids Feb 8, 2002 Exempts offerors from the valuation requirements in subsection 146(1) of The Securities Regulations if those requirements arise solely because the offeror anticipates that a going private transaction will follow the take-over bid.
72-901 General Exemption Order Trades to Purchasers Outside of Saskatchewan March 30, 2004 Grants exemptions from the registration and prospectus requirements for trades by issuers of their own securities to purchasers outside of Saskatchewan, subject to certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

The Toronto Futures Exchange

Nov 7, 1988.

Exempts trades in specified futures contracts entered into on the Toronto Futures Exchange and cleared through a specified clearing corporation from the registration and prospectus requirements on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Trading on the Toronto Futures Exchange of Toronto Stock Exchange Spot Index Contracts

Nov 7, 1988.

Exempts trades in specified contracts entered into on the Toronto Futures Exchange and settled in cash from the registration and prospectus requirements on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Trades in Government Warrants

June 11, 1990.

Exempts trades in specified Government Warrants from the registration and prospectus requirements on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Certain Interests in Government Securities

Nov 7, 1988.

Exempts trades in certain interest in government securities from the registration and prospectus requirements on certain conditions.

91-906 General Exemption Order Strip Bonds June 6, 2002 Exempts trades in strip bonds from the registration and prospectus requirements provided that first-time purchasers are given a disclosure document that contains specified information and is approved by the Director.