Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division

CSA Notices
11-305 CSA Staff Notice Withdrawal of CSA Staff Notice 42-301 and 52-302 In effect Jan 16, 2004 Gives notices of withdrawal of CSA Staff Notices 42-301and 52-302 Dual Reporting of Financial Information effective March 30, 2004.  Dual reporting issuers should refer to NI 52-107. 
11-306 CSA Notice Extension of Comment Period for Uniform Securities Act and Model Securities Administration Act In effect Feb 20, 2004 Gives notice that the period for commenting on the draft Uniform Securities Act and model Securities Administration Act has been extended for 60 days until May 17, 2004.
11-308 Staff Notice Guidelines for use of Mobility Exemptions under Part 5 of MI 11-101 Principal Regulator System In effect January 27, 2006 Provides guidance on the use of the mobility registration exemptions in Part 5 of MI 11-101 Principal Regulator System
11-309 CSA Notice Withdrawal of CSA Notices In effect March 3, 2006 Gives notice of CSA notices that are withdrawn because they are no longer required.


CSA Staff Notice

National Policy 12-201 Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Applications ("ERA") - ERA and Applications for Approvals or Exemptions under National Policy No. 39 "Mutual Funds"

In effect Nov 19, 1999. 

Communicates the view of CSA staff on how the MRRS for Exemptive Relief Applications relates to applications for approvals and exemptions made under National Policy 39 Mutual Funds.


CSA Staff Notice

Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Applications Frequently Occurring Issues

In effect Aug 11, 2000. 

Gives guidance on procedures and issues under the Mutual Reliance Review System for Exmeptive Relief Applications.

12-306 CSA Staff Notice Exemptive Relief Applications and Year End In effect Sept 28, 2001.  Expires Dec 31, 2001. Gives notice of timing deadlines for exemption applications before December, 31, 2001.
12-307 CSA Staff Notice Ceasing to be a Reporting Issuer under the MRRS for Exemptive Relief Applications Sept 12, 2003.  Revised Feb 4, 2005.  Revised November 1, 2006 Sets out a revised procedure for applications to cease to be a reporting issuer.
12-309 CSA Notice Impact of the Principal Regulator System on the MRRS for Exemptive Relief Applications In effect September 19, 2005 Provides guidance on how the principal regulator system works in conjunction with the MRRS for Exemptive Relief for issuers that need an exemption from continuous disclosure or prospectus eligibility requirements.


CSA Staff Notice

SEDAR Changes for Mutual Reliance Review Systems for Prospectuses and AIFs

In effect Sept 3, 1999. 

Outlines the changes made to SEDAR to accommodate MRRS filings and to provide instructions for making non-MRRS filings on SEDAR

13-306 CSA Staff Notice Guidance for SEDAR Users In effect Apr 30, 2001 Provides guidance to SEDAR users on specified issues.
13-307 CSA Staff Notice Notice of amendments to the SEDAR Filer Manual In effect Aug 27, 2001 Gives notice of a new version of the SEDAR Filer Manual Version 7.0.
13-308 CSA Staff Notice Increases to SEDAR Annual Filing Service Charges In effect Nov 9, 2001 Gives notice that SEDAR Annual filing Service Charges will increase.
13-314 CSA Staff
Changes to Sedar Annual Filing Service Charges 2005 In effect Nov 4, 2004 Gives notice that SEDAR annual filing service charges will increase.
13-315 CSA Staff Notice Securities Regulatory Authority Closed Dates 2006 In effect January 13, 2006 Sets out the list of closed dates of the securities regulatory authorities for 2006.
13-316 CSA Staff Notice Amendments to the SEDAR Filer Manual In effect October 27, 2006 Gives notice that the new SEDAR Filer Manual Version 8.3 was implemented on September 30, 2006


Multilateral Staff Notice

Canadian Venture Exchange

In effect Nov 26, 1999. 

States that references to the VSE and ASE in existing regulations, rules, orders and the like may be interpreted as references to CDNX.

21-302  CSA Staff Notice Confidentiality of forms filed under National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operations In effect January 24, 2003 Gives notice that the securities regulators will keep confidential the forms that that marketplaces and information processes are required to file under National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operations.
21-305 CSA Staff Notice Extension of Approval of Information Processor for Corporate Fixed Income Securities In effect October 27, 2006 Gives notice that CanPX Inc.'s approval as an information processor for corporate fixed income securities under NI 21-101 Marketplace Operations has been extended from Dec. 1, 2006 to Dec. 1, 2007.
23-301 CSA Staff Notice Electronic Audit Trails In effect March 21, 2003 CSA Staff, the Investment Dealers Association and the Bourse de Montreal announce that they are working to determine an implementation plan for electronic audit trail and transmission requirements for records relating to orders and trades.
23-302 CSA Staff Notice Joint Regulatory Notice - Electronic Audit Trail Initiative (TREATS) In effect April 15, 2005 Provides an update on the Transaction Reporting Electronic Audit Trail System 5(TREATS).  TREATS is to fulfill the audit trail requirements introduced in NI 23-101 Trading Rules
23-304 Joint CSA/SRO Notice Status of the Transaction Reporting and Electronic Audit Trail System (TREATS) In effect March 17, 2006 Gives on update on the status of TREATS, a proposed system to facilitate compliance with the audit trail requirements introduced in NI 23-101 Trading Rules.
24-301 CSA Staff Notice Responses to Comments on Discussion Paper 24-401 on Straight Through Processing and Proposed NI 24-101

Discussion Paper 24-401


In effect Feb 11, 2005. Provides an update on industry and regulatory developments on straight through processing and a summary of the comments received on Discussion Paper 24-401 released on April 16, 2004. 
24-302 CSA Notice Entitlement to Payments to The Canadian Depository for Securities Limited (CDS) In effect March 3, 2006 Encourages issuers and offerors that pay entitlements in Canadian dollars to CDS for distribution to CDS participants, to make such payments using the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS) operated by the Canadian Payments Association.
24-303 CSA Notice Report of the CSA SRO Oversight Project Committee December 8, 2006  


CSA Staff Notice

Trust Accounts for Mutual Fund Securities

In effect May 14, 1999.

Assists dealers in complying with section 12 of National Policy 39 Mutual Funds, and sets out staff's views on the minimum internal controls appropriate to ensure dealers meet these requirements.


CSA Notice

CSA Distribution Structures Committee Position Paper

In effect Aug 24, 1999. 

Sets out the CSA's policy positions that address the regulatory issues that have arisen due to changes that are occurring in the manner in which securities firms structure their businesses provide securities trading and advising services to the public.


CSA Staff Notice

Sale of Insurance Products by Dually Employed Salespersons

In effect Jan 14, 2000. 

Clarifies that CSA Distribution Structures Position Paper does not require salespersons to offer the sale of insurance products through a dealer.

33-307 CSA Staff Notice List of Canadian Registrant and Non-Registrant Firms that Completed the CSA STP Readiness Assessment Survey In effect July, 2003 Lists the firms that responded to the CSA's Straight-Through Processing Readiness Assessment Survey.
33-308 CSA Staff Notice The CSA STP Readiness Survey Report is Now Available on the OSC Web site In effect Sept 19, 2003 Gives notice that the STP Readiness Survey Report is available on the OSC Web site.
33-401 CSA Notice Canadian Capital Markets Association - T + 1 Paper Request for comment to May 8, 2001 Request for comment on the Canadian Capital Markets Association's paper on shortening the settlement period to one day after the trade (T + 1).
41-304 CSA Staff Notice Income trusts:  prospectus disclosure of distributable cash In effect August 26, 2005 Provides guidance on the information that income trusts are expected to disclose in a prospectus about estimated distributable cash.
42-303 CSA Staff Notice Prospectus Requirements In effect March 12, 2004 Indicates that staff will recommend relief form certain prospectus rules that are not consistent with NI 51-102 or NI 52-107.
43-302 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions on National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects In effect Oct 19, 2001.  Revised Feb 8, 2002.  Revised Jan 24, 2003 Sets out frequently asked questions and answers respecting National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
43-306 CSA Staff Notice Technical reports filed for prospectus offerings In effect June 2, 2006 Sets out planned a change to  administrative practices related to:  1. public access to technical reports and related materials filed with preliminary prospectuses; and 2.  the technical materials an issuer must file before a member of the CSA will issue a receipt for a preliminary prospectus.
44-301 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the New Prospectus Rules In effect Mar 15, 2002 Sets out frequently asked questions and answers respecting:
*  National Instrument (NI) 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions, *  NI 44-102 Shelf Distributions,
*  NI 44-103 Post-Receipt Pricing and
*  OSC rule 41-501 General Prospectus Requirements.
44-302 CSA Staff Notice Required forms of Certificates under MI 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers' Annual and Interim Filings In effect December 16, 2005 Assists certifying officers in determining what form of certificate is required under MI 52-109 for various financial years and interim periods.
44-303 CSA Staff Notice Filing of Notice of Intent to be Qualified under NI 44-101 Short Form Prospectus Distributions In effect March 10, 2006 Sets out how to file a Notice of Intent to be Qualified under NI 44-101 on SEDAR.
45-301 CSA Staff Notice Implementation of Multilateral Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities   In effect Nov 30, 2001 Clarifies the application of Multilateral Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities to resource issuers   
45-302 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Resale Rules In effect April 2, 2004 Answers frequent questions about Multilateral Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities.
45-304 CSA Staff Notice Notice of Local Exemptions Related to NI 45-106 In effect September 9, 2005 Lists local prospectus and registration  exemptions in force after NI 45-106 comes into force.
45-305 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions regarding NI 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions In effect December 2, 2005  
46-303 CSA Staff Notice Principal Protected Notes In effect July 7, 2006 Deals with the CSA's concerns about the distribution and sale of principal protected notes and the CSA's proposed course of action.
47-302 CSA Staff Notice Pre-marketing of underwriters' options on bought deals In effect April 21, 2006 Sets out staffs' views that the exemption from the prospectus requirement in para 7.1(a) of NI 44-101 that  permits pre-marketing of bought deals does not apply to securities acquired by underwriters under an option granted by an issuer.


CSA Staff Notice

Conversion of Corporate Issuers to Trusts

In effect Oct 10, 1997. 

Sets out CSA staff's views on protection of investors' rights when reporting issuers reorganize their affairs so that their security holders become security holders of a trust.

51-304 CSA Staff Notice Report on Staff's Review of Executive Compensation Disclosure In effect November 4, 2002 Reports findings of staff's review (May to September, 2002) of issuers' executive compensation disclosure in management information circulars.  Provides guidance in complying with disclosure requirements.  
51-305 CSA Staff Notice Canadian Capital Markets Association - Corporate Actions and Other Entitlements White Paper - October 2002 In effect November 29, 2002 Provides information and background to the Canadian Capital Markets Association's White Paper on Corporate Actions and Other Entitlements. 
51-308 CSA Staff Notice Filing of Management's Discussion and Analysis and National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations In effect Dec 19, 2003 Provides guidance on complying with MD&A requirements upon implementation of NI 51-102.
51-309 CSA Staff Notice National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities - Acceptance of Certain Foreign Professional Boards as a "Professional Organization"

MRRS Decision document dated Jan 6, 2004

In effect Jan 19, 2004 Gives notice that the CSA have added the listed professional boards in the United States to the list of professional organizations for the purposes of NI 51-101.
51-310 CSA Staff Notice Report on Staff's Continuous Disclosure Review of Income Trust Issuers In effect Feb 13, 2004 Reports the findings and comments of CSA staff from the review of the continuous disclosure records of 40 income trust issuers.
51-311 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions Regarding NI 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations  In effect March 26, 2004.  Amended April 23, 2004.  Revised Feb 11, 2005.  
51-312 CSA Staff
Harmonized Continuous Disclosure
Review Program
In effect July 16, 2004  
51-313 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions about NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities In effect April 8, 2004  
51-314 CSA Staff Notice Retirement Benefits Disclosure In effect January 14, 2005 Provides guidance to issuers to include in Statements of Executive Compensation disclosure of  retirement benefits. 
51-315 CSA Staff Notice Guidance Regarding the Determination of Constant Prices for Bitumen Reserves under National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities In effect Jan 20, 2005 Provides guidance as to how the constant price used in estimating bitumen reserves and related future net revenue should be determined under NI 51-101 in the absence of a published market for bitumen.
51-316 CSA Staff Notice Continuous Disclosure Review of Smaller Issuers In effect December 9, 2005 Summarizes the most frequent deficiencies in the CD record of smaller issuers.
51-317 CSA Staff Notice NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities Application of Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook
In effect February 24, 2006 Urges reporting issuers with oil and gas activities to become familiar with the information in Volume 2 of the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook, and apply that information to their reserves evaluation and disclosure practices.
51-319 CSA Staff Notice Report on staff's second continuous disclosure review of income trust issuers In effect August 4, 2006 Reports findings of a targeted review of business income trust issuers.
51-320 CSA Staff Notice Options Backdating In effective September 8, 2006 Provides guidance on the issue of backdating of options granted by reporting issuers in Canada.
51-321 CSA Staff Notice Questions and answers concerning resources and possible reserves - NI 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities In effect November 17, 2006 Provides guidance to issuers subject to NI 51-101 on issues in connection with  voluntary disclosure that is in addition to that required under NI 51-101.
51-322 CSA Staff Notice Reporting Issuer Defaults In effect December 15, 2006 Sets out the deficiencies that will result in a reporting issuer being noted in default of securities laws.
52-306 CSA Staff Notice Non-GAAP Financial Measures In effect Nov 14, 2003. Amended August 4, 2006. Provides guidance to issuers who disclose financial measures other than those prescribed by GAAP
52-307 CSA Staff Notice Auditor Oversight and Financial Statements Accompanied by an Audit Report dated on or after March 30, 2003 In effect Dec 5, 2003 Alerts reporting issuers and their auditors to plan to comply with MI 52-108 Auditor Oversight which will affect auditors' reports dated on or after March 30, 2004.
52-309 CSA Staff Notice MI 52-110 Audit Committees Compliance Review In effect May 6, 2005 Gives notice the CSA staff will conduct a review of issuers' compliance with MI 52-110 Audit Committee's requirements regarding audit committee composition and responsibilities
52-311 CSA Staff Notice Required Forms of Certificates under MI 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers' Annual and Interim Filings In effect December 16, 2005 Assists certifying officers in determining what form of certificate is required under MI 52-109 for various financial years and interim periods.
52-312 CSA Staff Notice Audit Committee Compliance Review In effect January 13, 2006 Outlines the results of CSA staff review of compliance with MI 52-110 Audit Committees.
52-313 CSA Staff Notice Status of Proposed MI 52-111 Reporting on Internal Controls over Financial Reporting In effect March 10, 2006  
52-314 CSA Staff Notice Securities Regulators Want Your Feedback on SBRL In effect June 29, 2006  
52-315 CSA Staff Notice Certification Compliance Review In effect September 22, 2006 Outlines the results of staff's review of compliance with the certification requirements in NI 52-109, and provides guidance in complying with the requirements.
52-316 CSA Staff Notice Certification of Design of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting In effect September 22, 2006 Gives staff's views regarding the ability of certifying officers of a reporting issuer to certify the design of the issuer's internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) as required by NI 52-109 if the certifying officers are aware of a weakness in the design of the issuer's ICFR.


CSA Staff Notice

The Toronto Stock Exchange Committee on Corporate Disclosure - Final Report; CSA Task Force on Civil Remedies.

In effect Sept 12, 1997. 

54-301 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions about National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer In effect April 4, 2003 Provides answers to frequently asked questions about National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer
55-308 CSA Staff Notice Questions on Insider Reporting In effect November 15, 2002 Provides questions and answers on insider reporting.
55-310 CSA Staff Notice Questions and Answers on SEDI In effect April 11, 2003

Revised August 19, 2005

Provides questions and answers on using SEDI
55-312 CSA Staff Notice Insider Reporting Guidelines for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity Monetization) In effect Feb 27, 2004 Provides guidance to insiders on reporting of derivative-based transactions which are commonly referred to as "equity monetization" transactions.
57-301 CSA Staff Notice Failing to File financial Statements on Time - Management Cease Trade Reports In effect Mar 29, 2002 Describes the circumstances in which staff will consider granting a company's request for the issuance of a "management" cease trade order where the company is unable to file its financial statements on time.
57-302 CSA Staff Notice Failure to File Certificates under MLI 52-109 Certifications of Disclosure in Issuers' Annual and Interim Filings In effect Feb 27, 2004 Gives notice that failure to file the certificates required by MLI 52-109 or filing certificates that are not in proper form will be viewed by staff as a serious breach of securities laws.
57-303 CSA Staff Notice Frequently asked questions regarding Management Cease Trade Orders issued as a consequence of a failure to file financial statements In effect April 29, 2005  
58-302 CSA Staff Notice Implementation of NP 58-201 Corporate Governance Guidelines and NI 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Practices In effect Jan 21, 2005  


CSA Staff Notice

Staff Guidance on the Practice of "Mini-Tenders"

In effect Dec 10, 1999. 

Sets out CSA staff's views on mini-tenders.

61-302 CSA Staff Notice Prospectus Filing Matters - Arthur Andersen LLP Consent In effect June 28, 2002 Provides guidance to former clients of Arthur Andersen LLP - Canada about financial statements audited by the firm that are included in prospectuses and other documents.
62-303 CSA Staff Notice Identifying the Offeror in a Take-over Bid In effect August 8, 2003 Provides staff's views on who is the offeror in a take-over bid when a company, income trust or other entity uses an acquisition entity, subsidiary or other affiliate to make the bid.
62-304 CSA Staff Notice Conditions in financing arrangements for take-over bids and issuer bids In effect September 2, 2005 Sets out the CSA staff position regarding acceptability of conditions in financing arrangements for take-over bids and issuer bids.
72-301 CSA Staff Notice Distributions Outside the Local Jurisdiction - Proposed National Instrument 72-101 In effect March 15, 2002 Gives notice that the CSA will not be proceeding with Mutlilateral Instrument 72-101 Distributions Outside the Jurisdiction published on September 27, 2001.   The initiative is being considered under the CSA Uniform Securities Legislation Project.


CSA Staff Notice

Trust Accounts for Mutual Fund Securities

In effect May 14, 1999. 

Assists dealers in complying with section 12 of National Policy 39 Mutual Funds, and sets out staff's views on the minimum internal controls appropriate to ensure dealers meet these requirements.


CSA Staff Notice

National Policy 12-201 Mutual Reliance Review System for Exemptive Relief Application ("ERA") - ERA and Applications for Approvals or Exemptions under National Policy No. 39 "Mutual Funds".

In effect Nov 19, 1999. 

Communicates the view of CSA staff on how the MRRS for Exemptive Relief Applications relates to applications for approvals and exemptions made under National Policy 39 Mutual Funds.

81-310 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions on Fund of Fund Amendments In effect August 20, 2004  
81-314 CSA Staff Notice Removal of Foreign Content Restrictions for Registered Plans - Eliminating Indirect Foreign Content Exposure in Certain RSP Funds In effect March 18, 2005 Sets out staff's initial guidance in response to the 2005 federal budget proposal to remove foreign content restrictions for registered plans.
81-315 CSA Staff Notice Frequently Asked Questions on NI 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure In effect November 25, 2005 Sets out a list of frequently asked questions on staff's response to those questions.