Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division

Regulatory Instruments  by Subject Matter


Registration Requirements

31-101 National Instrument National Registration System


Form 31-101F1 Election to Use NRS and Determination of Principal Regulator

Form 31-102F2 Notice of Change

April 4, 2005

August 1, 2006
Provides exemptive relief so that filers under the National Registration System must only comply with the fit and proper and other like requirements  of their principal regulator.
31-201 National Policy National Registration System


April 4, 2005

August 1, 2006
Sets out the procedure to be followed by filers who are submitting applications under the National Registration System (NRS). The NRS is a mutual reliance system for registration of investment dealers, mutual fund dealers and advisers and their sponsored individuals.
31-102 Multilateral Instrument National Registration Database


March 31, 2003, except for sections 7.1 and 7.2 which come into force on Feb 3, 2003 Requires that certain registration information, including applications for registration by individuals, be submitted to regulators electronically through the NRD.
31-102CP Companion Policy Companion Policy to Multilateral Instrument 31-102 March 31, 2003.  


Local Instrument

SRO Membership for Securities Dealers and Brokers

March 15, 2001

Requires securities dealers and brokers to apply for membership with the Investment Dealers Association of Canada by May 31, 2001 and to become members by July 2, 2002.


Local Instrument

SRO Membership for Mutual Fund Dealers

March 15, 2001

Requires mutual fund dealers to apply for membership with the Mutual Fund Dealers Association by May 31, 2001 and to become members by July 2, 2002.

31-701 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Form 4s Not Required for Certain Non-Trading Officers April 30, 2001 Declares that firms that do not have their head office in Saskatchewan no longer have to submit Form 4s for their non-trading officers.
31-702 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Registration Proficiency Requirements Jan 1, 2006.  Amended August 8, 2006. Sets out the courses that the Director has designated under sections 37 and 38 of The Securities Regulations.
31-801 Implementing Order Implementing the National Registration Database Feb 12, 2003 Exempts certain registrants from the requirements of Multilateral Instrument 31-102 National Registration Database on certain conditions.
31-804 Implementing Order Extending Time Periods under MI 31-102 and MI 33-109 Nov 14, 2003 Extends the time periods in which registrants are required to file certain information under the transitional provisions of MI 31-102 and MI 33-109 to December 15, 2003.  Extends certain other deadlines under March 31, 2006.  Also grants an exemption for registered firms and individuals from filing certain forms under MI 31-102 and MI 33-109 where certain changes to an individual's personal information do not affect the individual's suitability for registration or status as a non-registered inidividual.


General Exemption Order

Advisors to Immigrant Investment Syndicates

April 20, 1990.

Varies certain registration requirements for advisers to immigrant investment syndicates on certain conditions.


General Exemption Order

Saskatchewan Small Business Security Issuers

July 7, 1998.  Amended June 8, 2002.

Varies certain registration requirements for certain securities issuers.


Registration Exemptions

32-501 Saskatchewan Local Instrument Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents

Appendix A - Submission to Jurisdiction

Appendix B - Undertaking to Provide Information

Appendix C - Disclosure Statement to New Clients 

Form 32-501F1 - Report by Mutual Fund Dealer pursuant to clause 4(d)

Form 32-501F2 - Application for Registration as a Deposit Agent

Form 32-501F3 - Salespersons and Officials Application for Registration

Form 32-501F4 - Deposit Agent Annual Report

Form 32-501F5 - Auditor's Report

Form 32-501F6 - Financial Institution Annual Report


January 1, 2005 Requires intermediaries who trade in guaranteed investment certificates to be registered.  Also imposes reporting requirements on financial institutions. 
32-702 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Saskatchewan Staff Notice 32-802 Saskatchewan Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents
October 1, 2006 Updates the implementation of Saskatchewan Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents
32-801 Implementing  Order Suspension of LI 32-501 Deposit Agents December 5, 2005.  Amended Feb 13, 2006.  Amended October 1, 2006 Suspends the implementation of LI 32-501 indefinitely.
32-901 General Exemption Order Direct Purchase Plans August 21, 2002 Grants an exemption permitting a reporting issuer (other than a mutual fund) and an administrator of the reporting issuer to trade in the issuer's own securities under a direct purchase plan, subject to certain conditions.


Ongoing Requirements Affecting Registrants

33-102 National Instrument Regulation of Certain Registrant Activity In effect August 1, 2001 Requires registrants to provide with disclosure about certain products and risks.
33-102CP Companion Policy Regulation of Certain Registrant Activity In effect August 1, 2001 Companion policy to National Instrument 33-102 Regulation of Certain Registrant Activity.
33-105 National Instrument Underwriting Conflicts September 14, 2005 Imposes disclosure of relationships and an independent underwriter requirement in certain situations where there is a relationship between the issuer and the underwriter.
  Companion Policy Underwriting Conflicts September 14, 2005 Companion policy to NI 33-105
33-109 Multilateral Instrument Registration Information

Form 33-109F1 Notice of Termination

Form 33-109F2 Change or Surrender of Individual Categories

Form 33-109F3 Business Locations Other Than Head Office

Form 33-109F4 Registration Information for an Individual

Form 33-109F5 Change of Registration Information

February 21, 2003 Consolidates and harmonizes requirements regarding initial submission of registration information and updating that information
33-109 Multilateral Instrument Registration Information

Form 33-109F1 Notice of Termination

Form 33-109F2 Change or Surrender of Individual Categories

Form 33-109F3 Business Locations Other Than Head Office

Form 33-109F4 Registration Information for an Individual

Form 33-109F5 Change of Registration Information

February 21, 2003 Consolidates and harmonizes requirements regarding initial submission of registration information and updating that information
33-109CP Companion Policy Companion Policy to Multilateral Instrument 33-109 Registration Information February 21, 2003  


CSA Staff Notice

Trust Accounts for Mutual Fund Securities

In effect. May 14, 1999. 

Assists dealers in complying with section 12 of National Policy 39 Mutual Funds, and sets out staff's views on the minimum internal controls appropriate to ensure dealers meet these requirements.


CSA Notice

CSA Distribution Structures Committee Position Paper

In effect. August 24, 1999. 

Sets out the CSA's policy positions that address the regulatory issues that have arisen due to changes that are occurring in the manner in which securities firms structure their businesses provide securities trading and advising services to the public.


CSA Staff Notice

Sale of Insurance Products by Dually Employed Salespersons

January 7, 2000.

Clarifies that CSA Distribution Structures Position Paper does not require salespersons to offer the sale of insurance products through a dealer.

33-307 CSA Staff Notice List of Canadian Registrant and Non-Registrant Firms that Completed the CSA STP Readiness Assessment Survey July, 2003 Lists the firms that responded to the CSA's Straight-Through Processing Readiness Assessment Survey.
33-308 CSA Staff Notice The CSA STP Readiness Survey Report is Now Available on the OSC Web site Sept 19, 2003 Gives notice that the STP Readiness Survey Report is available on the OSC Web site.
33-312 CSA Staff
The CSA STP Readiness
Survey Report is Now Available on the OSC Web site
Nov 5, 2004 Gives notice that the STP Readiness Survey Report is available on the OSC Web site.
33-401 CSA Notice Canadian Capital Markets Association T + 1 Paper Request for comment to May 8, 2001 Request for comment on the Canadian Capital Markets Association's paper on shortening the settlement period to one day after the trade (T + 1).


Saskatchewan Instrument

Requirements for Sale of Certain Securities



Jan 17, 2000.  Amended June 16, 2003.  Amended Dec 31, 2004. 
Amended September 19, 2005.


Imposes requirements on registrants selling securities under certain statutory exemptions. Requires sellers of scholarship plan securities to provide disclosure of certain details. Imposes additional requirements on sellers of labour-sponsored venture capital fund securities.


Companion Policy

Companion Policy to Saskatchewan Local Instrument 33-502 Requirements for Sale of Certain Securities

January 17, 2000.  Amended June 16, 2003

Reminds sellers of certain exempt securities of existing reporting obligations under The Securities Act, 1988

33-503 Saskatchewan Instrument Permanent Registration System Jan 9, 2002.  Amended Dec 31, 2004. Implements a permanent registration system in Saskatchewan for dealers and advisors. 
33-503CP Companion Policy Companion Policy to Saskatchewan Local Instrument 33-503 Permanent Registration January 9, 2002.  Amended May 9, 2003. Provides additional guidance regarding filings under Local Instrument 33-503 Permanent Registration System.


Local Staff Notice

Telemarketing Activities

April 16, 1993.

Sets out staff views on when telemarketers should be registered.


Local Staff Notice

Transfer of Registration

April 16, 1993.

Sets out what registered individuals must do if they wish to transfer from one company to another.


Local Staff Notice

Uniform Termination Notice

May 28, 1992.

Specifies the form of notice that individual registrants must give when their employment with a firm ends.


Local Staff Notice

Dealing with Non-Residents

April 16, 1998.

Provides guidance to registrants living in Saskatchewan who are considering dealing with investors who live elsewhere. Also provides guidance to registrants who do not live in Saskatchewan, but are considering dealing with investors who live in Saskatchewan.


Local Staff Notice

Processing of Equity and Fixed Income Trades by Financial Institutions and Mutual Fund Dealers

February 7, 2000.

Sets out staffs' views on processing of equity and fixed income trades by financial institutions and mutual fund dealers.

33-709 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Annual Delivery of Registration Fees and Documents Nov 24, 2003 Describes the process for the annual filing of documents and payment of fees. 
33-710 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Branch Managers Oct 15, 2004 Sets out the application of the branch manager requirement.
33-711 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Adviser and Deposit Agent Examinations June 1, 2005 Gives notice of examination programs for advisers and deposit agents.
33-712 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Surety Bond Not Required for Mutual Fund Dealers That Participate in the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation November 25, 2005 Gives notice that mutual fund dealers that participate in the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation are not required to maintain a surety bond.
33-901 General Exemption Order Suitability Requirements July 12, 2001 Exempts members of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada from the suitability requirements if they comply with certain IDA requirements.
33-905 General Exemption Order Exemption from Certain Provisions of Section 15 of Local Instrument 32-502 Requirements for Sale of Certain Securities Feb 23, 2005 Exempts managers doing a suitability review of a labour-sponsored venture fund security required by section 15 of Local Instrument 32-502 from the requirement to complete the Partners', Directors' and Officers' Examination if they have completed the Branch Managers' Course.


Fitness for Registration


National Policy

Breach of Requirements of Other Jurisdictions

October 16, 1998.

Gives notice to registrants and applicants for registration that a breach of the securities laws of another jurisdiction may be considered to affect the registrant's or applicant's fitness for registration.


Multilateral Policy

Registrants Acting as Corporate Directors

October 16, 1998.

Expresses the views of the CSA as to the potential for conflicts of interest arising if a registrant acts as a director of or advisor to a reporting issuer.


Saskatchewan Policy Statement

Procedure When Individual Registrants Become in Financial Difficulty

Feb 3, 1994.

Amended November 10, 2004.

Amended October 6, 2005.

Sets out the procedure registrants or applicants must follow when they are in financial difficulty.


Local Staff Notice

Registration of Individuals as Investment Counsel

September 27, 1989.

Sets out alternate registration requirements for junior investment counsel acting under the supervision of a senior investment counsel.


Local Staff Notice

Rewriting Proficiency Examinations

January 20, 1994.

Sets out staffs' views on when proficiency courses must be rewritten.


Non-Resident Registrants

35-101 National Instrument Conditional Exemption From Registration for United States Broker-dealers and Agents In effect in Saskatchewan March 9, 2001 Provides U.S. broker-dealers and their agents with a conditional exemption from the applicable registration and prospectus requirements under Canadian securities legislation.


CSA Staff Notice

Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Agents

August 16, 1999.

States that the CSA expect to will proceed with proposed National Instrument 35-101 Conditional Exemption from Registration for United States Broker-Dealers and Agents when final rules by the SEC and certain state regulators are in place to provide reciprocal relief.

35-701 Saskatchewan Staff Notice Registration of Non-Resident Individuals October 11, 2002 Sets out the conditions of registration that the Director will apply to  individuals who do not live in Saskatchewan and are applying  for registration.

General Exemption Order

Non-Resident Registrants

May 1, 2000.

Amended August 28, 2001, November 8, 2001,  August 19, 2003 and Feb 23, 2005

Exempts investment dealers, brokers, exchange contract dealers and mutual fund dealers from the requirement to maintain a business office and books and records in Saskatchewan on certain conditions. Also exempts domestic advisers and international advisers from the same requirements on certain conditions.