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Adult Basic Education Level Three (Adult 10)  

Adults who are not ready to prepare for the GED tests or enter an Adult 12 program may register in Adult Basic Education Level Three (Adult 10) courses. These are offered by SIAST (Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology), the Regional Colleges, Dumont Technical Institute (DTI), and Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT). Learners who are successful in ABE Level Three can usually go on to other adult education or training programs.

Beginning July 1, 2006, adult learners in ABE Level Three will need to complete:

  • Communications
  • Social Sciences
  • Life/Work Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Science

Note: Adult learners who entered ABE Level Three (Adult 10) courses prior to July 1, 2006 have until July 1, 2007 to complete four Level Three courses: Communications, Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Science.

Curriculum Redesign:

For additional information on the Cirriculum Redesign, visit the ABE Curriculum Redesign home page.

Transfer Credits:

A maximum of three credits, including English 10, Social Studies 10, Algebra 10 and Science 10, from the Saskatchewan K - 12 and/or Correspondence School systems may be recognized as transfer credits to three of the following core subject areas: Communications, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science for the purpose of certification in ABE Level Three. Training centres may recognize transfer credits from other provincial education systems to Saskatchewan's ABE Level Three Program.

All Level Three learners are required to take Life/Work Studies.

ABE Contacts:

A list of Adult Training Institutions offering ABE programs is avaialable here.


Information for requesting ABE transcripts is available here.