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Adult Secondary Completion (Adult 12)

Under Adult 12 Policy, an adult may attain a Grade 12 standing by successfully completing 7 credit classes.  Prerequisite requirements are waived for adults. Credits may be attained by taking the course from a Saskatchewan secondary school, by correspondence, or a Saskatchewan post-secondary institution approved to offer secondary level courses. Adults also have the option of challenging a departmental examination.

Compulsory courses for Adult 12 (secondary completion) are:

  • English Language Arts A 30 and English Language Arts B 30;
  • One Canadian Studies course (History 30, Native Studies 30, or Social Studies 30)
  • One level 20 or level 30 mathematics;
  • One level 20 or level 30 science;
  • Two electives at level 30 (one may be Prior Learning 30).

Credits obtained through the K-12 system may be transferred to the Adult 12 program.  Please consult the counselling office at an adult training institution for more information.

Secondary Completion Policy:

The complete policy for Secondary Completion (Adult 12) can be found here.

ABE Contact:

A list of Adult Training Institutions offering ABE programs is avaialable here.


Information for requesting ABE transcripts is available here.