Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Strategic Plan

Our Vision

A fair, equitable, and safe society supported by a justice system that is trusted and understood.


Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Safe Communities

Individuals are safe and secure from crime, the rights of people are protected, and crime is reduced.

Objective 1: Hold offenders accountable through effective enforcement and responses to offending.

Performance Measures:

Offender accountability

  • Per cent of dollar amount of fines ordered paid within three years of disposition
  • Per cent of dollar amount of provincial victim surcharges collected within three years of disposition
  • Per cent of offenders successfully completing agreements in alternative measures programs

Impact of targeted initiatives on crime rate

  • Per cent change in auto theft crime rate in Regina

Effectiveness in solving crimes

  • Per cent of police-reported incidents cleared by charge or cleared otherwise

Objective 2: Protect the rights of persons in criminal processes.

Performance Measures:

Access to courts

  • Average length of time to next trial date in criminal proceedings at northern court points

Services provided to accused

  • Average number of services provided to accused by courtworkers

Access to legal advice

  • Number of services provided to accused who have been detained or arrested by police and exercise their right to legal counsel after regular office hours

Objective 3: Respond to the needs of victims throughout the criminal justice process.

Performance Measures:

Access to and satisfaction with victim services programs

  • Per cent of population with access to police-affiliated victim services programs
  • Number of police-affiliated victim services programs
  • Per cent of respondents who were very or somewhat satisfied with police-affiliated victim services

Objective 4: Engage communities in crime prevention and responding to offending.

Performance Measures:

Community engagement

  • Number of communities participating in crime prevention activities with Saskatchewan Justice


Goal 2: Aboriginal Justice

The justice system responds to the needs, values and aspirations of Aboriginal people.

Objective 5: Increase the participation of Aboriginal people in the administration of justice.

Performance Measures:

Employment diversity

  • Per cent of Justice employees who self-identify as Aboriginal

Objective 6: Partner with Aboriginal people to reform the justice system and to build capacity to deal with criminal justice issues and the causes of crime.

Performance Measures:

Partnerships with Aboriginal communities

  • Per cent of on-reserve First Nations people served by Community Tripartite Agreements

Objective 7: Address the over-representation of Aboriginal people as offenders and victims through a balanced approach that respects the needs of victims, offenders and communities.

Performance Measures:

under development


Goal 3: Civil and Family Justice

Conflicts are resolved in constructive and timely ways, and the justice system responds to the needs of vulnerable people and those involved in family disputes.

Objective 8: Improve access to effective dispute resolution processes.

Performance Measures:

Effectiveness of civil dispute resolution processes

  • Per cent of civil cases resolved following mandatory civil mediation

Access to civil dispute resolution processes

  • Average length of time from pretrial to next available trial date for civil proceedings in Queen's Bench Court

Objective 9: Support the resilience of children and families involved in family disputes.

Performance Measures:

Effectiveness of programs supporting resiliency of children and families

  • Per cent collected of maintenance enforcement orders and agreements referred to the Maintenance Enforcement Office
  • Per cent of cases resolved following custody and access assessment

Objective 10: Protect children and adults who need assistance to manage their affairs.

Performance Measures:

Quality of return rate on investments

  • Per cent difference between the rate of return on client assets invested by the Office of Public Guardian and Trustee and the benchmark identified in the Investment Policy


Goal 4: Marketplace Relations

The marketplace is fair, efficient and effective.

Objective 11: Safeguard consumer and public interests and support economic well-being through responsive marketplace regulation.

Performance Measures:

Efficiency of response

  • Per cent of telephone inquiries from consumers responded to within one business day
  • Per cent of incorporations, registrations and fundamental changes of all types processed within ten business days


Goal 5: Legal Services

Programs and policies of government are supported by appropriate legal services.

Objective 12: Provide quality legal services to government that are consistent, coherent, and cost-effective.

Performance Measures:

Under development