Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Hon. Frank Quennell, Q.C.
Frank was born and educated in Saskatchewan, receiving his Arts and Law degrees from the University of Saskatchewan.

Prior to being elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature on November 5, 2003, Frank practiced law in Saskatoon.  Active in his community, Frank served on the boards of the Saskatoon Co-op, the Saskatoon Health Region, and the Child Hunger and Education Program.  Frank also served as Chair of the Board of Governors of the University of Saskatchewan.

On November 21, 2003, he was appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney General, as well as Minister Responsible for SaskPower.

During his tenure as Minister Responsible for SaskPower, the Crown utility has constructed the Centennial Wind Power Plant which will produce enough electricity to power 64,000 homes and make Saskatchewan the national leader in the proportion of electricity produced by wind.

As Minister of Justice, Frank led the government response to the Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform, and to the Inquiry into Matters Relating to the Death of Neil Stonechild.

During Frank’s tenure as Minister of Justice, the Government of Saskatchewan has implemented:

  • The Pawned Property Recording Act, which empowers our province’s municipalities to require pawn shop owners to immediately notify police about the property brought into their shops and verify the identity of the person pawning the item.  The intent of the legislation is to make it more difficult to sell stolen property and easier to recover it;
  • The Seizure of Criminal Property Act, which allows for the seizure of the proceeds of crime or property used for an unlawful activity; and
  • The Criminal Enterprise Suppression Act, which enables the courts to shut down a business owned or operated by organized crime.

Frank also launched the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) initiative which empowers citizens to confidentially report suspected unlawful activities in their neighbourhoods.  Investigations by the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Unit of the Department of Justice have resulted in shutting down many drug houses, brothels and other buildings housing illegal activities. 

Frank has also led reforms to both the Coroners Office and the Police Complaints Investigator. 

While Frank has served as Minister of Justice, the Government of Saskatchewan has significantly increased provincial funding for police, thereby:

  • Strengthening police numbers in the province
  • Enabling police services to recruit a representative police force
  • Supporting a missing persons initiative and an organized crime suppression strategy. 

Frank and his wife have three children.