Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Responsibilities of the Minister of Justice

The Minister of Justice is ex-officio the Attorney General. The Minister of Justice and the Department of Justice are independent parties. The Department of Justice Act describes a broad statutory mandate for the Minister, including responsibilities to:

  • be the legal member of the Executive Council;
  • superintend the administration of justice in the province;
  • see that public affairs are administered in accordance with the law;
  • serve as the official legal advisor to the Lieutenant Governor; and
  • provide legal advice to the government and conduct all litigation for or against the Crown. 

The Minister has a broad mandate and is also responsible for a number of different areas.

The Minister does not get involved in specific cases or complaints. The Minister does not give direction to the courts, the police or crown prosecutors as to how a particular case should be handled. In cases of high public interest, the Minister may ask the police, prosecutor or complaint agency for a report. The Minister may also order a public inquiry into matters of great public interest.