Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

November 17, 2006

Additional Information

Finance - 823


Saskatchewan has received its 16th credit rating upgrade since 1995 today, as
Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) boosted its long-term rating for the
province from A (high) to AA (low).

This comes only three days after Moody's Investor Service upgraded the
Province's credit rating from Aa2 to Aa1. The DBRS ranking marks the sixth
credit rating upgrade for the province under Premier Calvert's leadership.

"This is further proof that our government continues on a sound financial
path," Finance Minister Andrew Thomson said. "DBRS has acknowledged this
upgrade is a result of positive fiscal outcomes in recent years, improvements
in debt ratios, tax cuts we've introduced, as well as our decision to cash
fund the Fiscal Stabilization Fund."

DBRS noted in its November 17 news release that the upgrade reflects
"continued progress at reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio from a high of over 60%
in the early 1990s to a projected 27.0% in 2006-07 and the Province's track
record of sound fiscal management, as highlighted by the improved fiscal
outlook for 2006-07, the solid cumulative budget surplus over the past five
years and relatively slow spending growth. The Province's increasing tax
competitiveness is also supportive of the improved credit profile."

The DBRS news release goes on to say "DBRS-adjusted debt is expected to rise
very modestly from budget projections, largely due to the decision to fund the
FSF with cash. DBRS views this decision as a positive as it will reduce future
swings in direct government debt. . . DBRS expects Saskatchewan's credit
profile to remain solid over the next few years."

"We are being recognized not only for our financial management, but also the
numerous tax cuts we've provided to Saskatchewan people and businesses, to
keep more money in their pockets and stimulate jobs and investment – measures
to make Saskatchewan an even better place to live, work and raise a family,"
Thomson said.

Saskatchewan enjoyed high credit ratings in the early 1980s, and then they
began to slide dramatically. Since that time, Saskatchewan has been in a
rebuilding process.

"Another credit rating upgrade provides independent, third-party validation
that we're managing the public purse responsibly for Saskatchewan people,"
Thomson said.

The DBRS news release can be found on the DBRS homepage at under
"Press Releases".

The attached backgrounder offers more details on Saskatchewan's credit rating


For More Information, Contact:
Lorri Thacyk
Phone: 306-787-6605
