Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

May 19, 2006

Additional Information

Finance - 404


A new Tool Tax Credit worth almost $3 million in annual savings to eligible
tradespeople was formally passed in the Legislature today.

"Our provincial economy is performing well, and the demand for workers in the
skilled trades is increasing," Finance Minister Andrew Thomson said. "This tax
credit provides an incentive for tradespeople to build their futures right

Details of the Tool Tax Credit are as follows:

• One-Time Trade Entry Tax Credit, resulting in $1 million in savings annually
for newly qualifying tradespeople, recognizing the high cost of initial
purchases of work-related tools that are required as a condition of
employment; and

• Annual Maintenance Tax, worth an estimated $1.9 million in annual tax
savings for qualifying tradespeople, recognizing the ongoing cost of
maintaining tools.

Details of the Tool Tax Credit, including categories of eligible trades, can
be found in the attached backgrounder.

Thomson gave credit to MLA Ron Harper, who helped establish the criteria and
categories of tradespeople.

"Mr. Harper, through his consultation with industry and tradespeople, was
invaluable to this effort," Thomson said, noting the credit has received much
positive feedback. "He deserves full marks for his work on this file.

"Our tradesepeople have told us the Tool Tax Credit provides significant
financial relief, and will provide an incentive for those young people
considering entering a trade to literally build their careers right here at
home," Thomson said. "These changes are just another way our Government is
helping ensure Saskatchewan is the best place in Canada to live, work and
raise a family."


For More Information, Contact:
Mike Woods
Phone: (306) 787-6578
