Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

July 26, 2006

Additional Information

Finance - 569


In its First Quarter Report, the Province has revised its Budget estimates to
reflect improvements in resource revenues and increased spending on priority
areas including Agriculture and Highways.

The First Quarter Report forecasts an overall revenue improvement of $73
million for the year. This takes into account stronger performance in the oil
and gas sector, which is largely offset by reduced potash royalties due to
slower than anticipated sales.

Spending is forecast to increase $112 million over Budget, with the revised
forecast for 2006 at $7.81 billion.

"The stable forecast and revised program estimates provides us with the
opportunity to announce full funding for the 2006 Canadian Agricultural Income
Stabilization (CAIS) program at this time," Thomson said.

Changes to budget estimates include:

• Agriculture - $71.2 million over Budget, due to fully funding CAIS ($60
million) and for the Saskatchewan Unseeded Acreage Payment Program ($18.2
million), offset by a $7 million reduced expense in crop insurance premiums.

• Highways - $15.1 million over Budget to repair flood-related damage and for
public safety repairs.

• Corrections and Public Safety - $8.6 million over Budget, primarily due to
additional costs for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 Provincial Disaster Assistance
Program, as well as the use of contingency bed space to meet higher adult
inmate counts.

• Environment - $10 million over Budget, to expense the cost of a downed

• First Nations and Mιtis Relations - $11 million over Budget, primarily
related to higher-than-anticipated payments to the First Nations Trust and
Community Development Corporations, reflecting higher SIGA net income in the
last two years.

• The spending increases are offset by a $2.9 million forecast decrease in
Teachers' Pensions and Benefits, due to lower-than-anticipated requirements
for the provincial contributions to the Teachers' Extended Health Plan.

As a result of these changes, the forecast surplus is reduced by $39 million
to $62.5 million.

Government debt is forecast to be $7.3 billion at year-end, an increase of
$58.4 million from Budget, mainly reflecting the reduction in the GRF surplus
and an increase in capital expenditures. Total debt (which includes Crown
Corporation debt) is forecast to be $10.9 billion at year-end, a decrease of
$45.5 million from Budget.


For More Information, Contact:
Mike Woods
Phone: (306) 787-6578
Cell: (306) 539-9588
