Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

November 9, 2006

Additional Information

Finance - 803


Saskatchewan residents will see $28.1 million in personal income tax savings
next year as the government indexes the Personal Income Tax (PIT) system to
the national rate of inflation, Finance Minister Andrew Thomson announced

Income tax brackets and tax credits for 2007 will be increased by 2.2 per

"We are enjoying a prosperous economy, which affords us the opportunity to
continue providing meaningful tax relief to the citizens of Saskatchewan in
2007," Thomson said.

Today's announcement of full indexation protects Saskatchewan residents from
'bracket creep' where income tax credits decrease and income taxes increase as
a result of inflation-based adjustments to personal income. It also helps
maintain 'buying power' for wage earners and pensioners. The income tax
brackets, basic and spousal credits, senior supplement, dependent child
credit, age credit, disability-related credits, medical expense credit and the
Saskatchewan Sales Tax Credit are all indexed to ensure that their value to
taxpayers is not eroded by inflation.

The inflation-based indexation adjustment is determined from the annual change
in the national Consumer Price Index. For the 2007 tax year, the indexation
factor is 2.2 per cent.

"These changes will provide average Saskatchewan families with real tax
savings in the next year, and build on our commitment to ensure Saskatchewan
people continue to share in the prosperity we are enjoying today.

"In the past year alone, we have reduced taxes by over half-a-billion dollars.
This includes cuts to property taxes, corporate taxes, small business taxes,
sales taxes and now income taxes," Thomson said. "In doing so, we are making
life even better for Saskatchewan families and making this province an even
better place to live, work, and raise a family."

The attached backgrounder offers more information about indexation.


For More Information, Contact:
Debbie Clark
Phone: 306-787-8109
