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Allowable Expenses

The PTA provides financial assistance for living and day care expenses. Living expenses are determined based on student category and family size.

Allowable monthly living expenses are::

Single Independent or Dependent away from Home $612
Single Independent or Dependent at Home $432
Married $1,037 plus $45* for each dependent child
Single Parent living away from Home or at Home $872 plus $45** for each dependent child

*For students who receive the full Child Tax Benefit.
**Student who receive partial benefits or no benefit will have the child expense adjusted up to a maximum of $170.

If you are living in a northern community, you are allowed an additional $50 per month per person to accommodate higher living expenses.

Dependents are those that reside with you and are included on your Saskatchewan Health Services record as of the date of application.

You may consider a person wholly dependent on you if the person resides with you, is related to you, and is either 18 years of age or younger or is dependent by reason of a mental or physical infirmity. To prove dependency, Canada Revenue Agency must have accepted the person as wholly dependent on you, or you must provide proof of legal guardianship.

Dependents not listed on your Saskatchewan Health record will not be provided with Supplementary Health Benefits.

If a dependent is not listed on your Saskatchewan Health record but lives with you at least 50% of the time (15 days per month), the dependent may be included if the following proof of full time custody is provided:

  • Income tax return (2005) claiming the dependent(s);
  • Canada Child Tax Benefit statement (2006) showing the dependent(s);
  • Legal custody agreement outlining custody of the dependent(s);
  • Statutory declaration with third party declaration of full time custody;
  • A letter/statement from Department of Community Resources confirming full time custody of children who have been living with you full time for a long period of time (i.e., 1 year). NOTE: if this is the case, you must also declare the foster care income.

Dependents between 18 and 19 years of age may be included if they are a child of the client and they:

  • are living with you; and
  • are attending high school; and
  • have never been married or lived in a long-term common-law relationship (at least 12 months); and
  • do not have dependent children of their own.

If the dependent is over 19 and still in high school, they may be included on a review basis.

Daycare expenses for children under 12 years of age are calculated based on average amounts for subsidized or unsubsidized day care. If the number of dependent children living with you full-time changes at any time while you are in school, Student Financial Assistance Branch must be informed immediately. Your application will be reassessed accordingly.

Day care Allowances
Number of Children

If you require information about subsidized care, please contact Child Day Care Subsidy Office, Department of Community Resources (DCR) at 1-800-667-7155.



