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Health Benefits

While receiving the PTA, you and your family will receive supplemental health benefits. You are nominated for Supplementary Health benefits by the Department of Advanced Education and Employment when you qualify for PTA.

You must ensure that the family unit you are declaring on your PTA application matches the family unit at Saskatchewan Health. In cases of family mismatch, a letter will be sent advising you and supplementary health coverage will not be provided until the discrepancy is corrected. It is your responsibility to contact Saskatchewan Health and correct your family information by calling the Saskatchewan Health inquiry line at 1-800-667-7551. Once the correction has been made the PTA Unit must be notified in order to have your family re-nominated for health coverage. Failure to resolve the family mismatch will result in cancellation of PTA payments.

If a Saskatchewan Health Services Number is not provided for each family member, health coverage may be delayed or rejected for the entire family. Newborn children automatically receive health coverage with the same expire date as the birth mother. The PTA Unit should be notified as soon as the health number is available for the child.

If you do not have health coverage in place and you pay for prescription drugs etc., you must retain the original receipts. Once coverage has been provided, you may be able to submit the receipts to Saskatchewan Health for reimbursement.

Questions about health nominations should be directed to the PTA Unit at 787-0923 or toll-free 1-800-597-8278.





