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Parental Contribution

If you are a single dependent student, your parents are expected to contribute to your education, based on their discretionary income. Under program criteria, their discretionary income is their combined income in the last complete taxation year, after deductions for income tax, Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance and a moderate standard of living, based on family size. Parents, their dependent children (including the student applying for student assistance) and any wholly dependent persons living in the household are counted in determining family size.

For the purposes of determining family size in assessing the parental contribution, a dependent child is:

  • a child, including an adopted child, a step-child or a wholly dependent person;
  • 18 years or younger;
  • wholly dependent on you or your spouse for support; and
  • in the custody and control of you or your spouse.

A child over the age of 18 is also considered dependent if they:

  • have never been married or lived in a long-term common-law relationship (at least 12 months); and
  • do not have any dependent children; and
  • have not been out of secondary school for four years (48 months) or more; and
  • have not been in the workforce for two periods of 12 consecutive months.

You may consider a person wholly dependent on you if the person resides with you, is related to you, and is either 18 years of age or younger or is dependent by reason of a mental or physical infirmity. To prove dependency, Canada Revenue Agency must have accepted the person as wholly dependent on you, or you must provide proof of legal guardianship.

If parents have two or more dependent children applying for the PTA, or other dependants in post-secondary school the contribution is divided by the number of children to determine the contribution for each child.

In situations where a scholarship trust fund has been established for the dependent client, the parental contribution is the greater of the amount assessed under these procedures and the amount available from the trust fund.

The parental contribution can be adjusted if the parent's income changes or if there are exceptional expenses (i.e. funeral expenses, medical/dental/optical costs, etc.).


