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  • Benefit eligibility will be reassessed when you report changes to your student category, living situation, marital status, number of dependants, daycare costs, income, spousal income, parental income/expenses. Reassessments may result in an increase to benefits, a reduction to benefits or an overpayment.
  • Reassessments will be processed at the time new information is received for the entire period you are in school. Reassessments resulting in incremental funding will not be processed after your program end date or your date of discontinuation.
  • Amounts underpaid in previous months will be paid when the reassessment is processed and subsequent monthly benefits will be increased accordingly. Underpayments calculated after you are no longer receiving the PTA will not be paid.
  • If you have not provided information to verify income on your PTA application, your reassessment will not processed until you provide verification information.
  • Amounts overpaid will be recovered from subsequent monthly benefits (see Overpayments).
  • The results of your reassessment will be distributed in the same manner as the initial assessment results. (see Receiving Your Results).





