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Binge Drinking Awareness Campaign

A new campaign aimed at young adults 19-29 years old will raise awareness of the risks and consequences associated with excessive drinking. The campaign, which includes television advertising, promotes the responsible use of alcohol, the most abused substance in Saskatchewan.

The research-based campaign supports the education and awareness goals outlined in Premier’s Project Hope. It is the first in a number of initiatives with a longer-term goal to modify alcohol-drinking habits in the province.

Healthy Living Minister Graham Addley announced the campaign November 20, during National Addictions Awareness Week.

“Our government is building a better life for families and a bright future for our youth,” Addley said. “By educating the young people of Saskatchewan about the effects of binge drinking, and encouraging them to exercise moderation and make choices, we are working to ensure they grow up safe and healthy.”

Violence, alcohol poisoning, poor school or work performance, unplanned and unwanted sexual experiences, and sexually transmitted diseases are some of the risks that can result from someone drinking too much.

According to the Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse, alcohol costs Saskatchewan more than $500 million in annual lost productivity, absenteeism and disability.

News release
Alcohol use polling
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Binge drinking ad - Men

Binge drinking ad - Men

Binge drinking ad - Woman

Binge drinking ad - Woman



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