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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


Mutual Fund Dealers, Brokers and Securities Dealers Required to Join a Self-Regulatory Organization
The Saskatchewan Securities Commission has recognized the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada as a self-regulatory organization. It has also adopted Commission regulations that require mutual fund dealers, securities dealers and brokers to apply for membership with either the MFDA or the Investment Dealers Association of Canada by May 31, 2001.

Order Recognizing the MFDA
On February 13, 2001 Commission made General Ruling/Order 11-903 Recognition of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada ("GRO 11-903") in which it recognized the MFDA as a self-regulatory organization pursuant to subsection 21(2) of The Securities Act, 1988. The terms and conditions of recognition are substantially similar to those made by the British Columbia Alberta and Ontario Securities Commissions.

SRO Membership for Mutual Fund Dealers
On February 13, 2001 the Commission also made Commission regulations adopting Local Instrument 31-502 Self-Regulatory Organization Membership for Mutual Fund Dealers which requires mutual fund dealers to apply to the MFDA for membership by May 31, 2001 and to become members by July 2, 2002. Local Instrument 31-502 is also substantially similar to rules adopted by the British Columbia Alberta and Ontario Securities Commissions.

Mutual fund dealers should begin to prepare their applications for membership immediately to ensure that they can meet the May 31, 2001 deadline.

The MFDA has posted its form of application for membership and a description of the application on its Web site. It can be found at

SRO Membership for Brokers and Securities Dealers
The Commission also adopted Local Instrument 33-501 Self-Regulatory Organization Membership for Brokers and Securities Dealers which requires securities dealers and brokers to apply for membership with the IDA by May 31, 2001 and become members by July 2, 2002.

Brokers and securities dealers should also begin to prepare their applications for membership with the IDA immediately to ensure that they can meet the May 31, 2001 deadline. Information about becoming a member of the IDA can be found at

Local Instruments 33-501 and 33-502 will become effective after the Minister of Justice approves them.

February 13, 2001


Barbara Shourounis
(306) 787-5842