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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


General Ruling/Order 35-901 Non-Resident Registrants amended

On February 23, 2005 the Director of the Securities Division of the Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission amended General Ruling/Order 35-901Non-Resident Registrants (“GRO 35-901”).   

GRO 35-901 exempts investment dealers, mutual fund dealers and advisers from the requirement to maintain a business office and books and records in Saskatchewan on certain conditions.

GRO 35-901 was amended so that the following restrictions no longer apply to mutual fund dealers:

  • that the mutual fund dealer sells only units or shares of mutual funds for which there is no commission paid by an investor;

  • that the mutual fund dealer does not solicit orders from Saskatchewan investors other than by general advertising in newspapers or other media; and

  • that the mutual fund dealer pays its salespersons on a salary basis only, and pays them no other form of compensation related to the selling of mutual funds.

February 25, 2005


Dean Murrison
Deputy Director, Legal and Registration
Securities Division
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission
(306) 787-5879