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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division

bullet Notice

General Ruling/Order 45-913 Exemptions for Capital Accumulation Plans

On October 21, 2005 the Director granted General Ruling/Order 45-913 Exemptions for Capital Accumulation Plans (“GRO 45-913”).  GRO 45-913 grants registration and prospectus exemptions to permit trades of mutual fund securities to a capital accumulation plan or to a member of a capital accumulation plan on certain conditions (the "CAP exemption").

This CAP exemption implements certain parts of the Guidelines for Capital Accumulation Plans that were developed by the Joint Forum of Financial Market Regulators.  The Guidelines and GRO 45-913 apply to certain tax assisted capital accumulation plans such as defined contribution pension plans and group registered retirement savings plans where plan members make investment choices.

Members of the CSA, except for Ontario and Quebec, are each adopting local exemptions that are equivalent to GRO 45-913.  Ontario and Quebec will grant relief to applicants who apply for the exemption on a case by case basis.

On October 21, 2005 the CSA has published a request for comments on amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions that will make the CAP exemption part of NI 45-106. 

October 21, 2005 


Dean Murrison
Deputy Director, Legal/Registration
Securities Division
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission
(306) 787-5879