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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


General Ruling/Order 51-909 Waiver Of Continuous Disclosure Requirements For Issuers That Have Made Offerings Under The Qualified Investor Exemption 

On August  26, 2005 the Director granted General Ruling/Order 51-909 Waiver of Continuous Disclosure Requirements For Issuers That Have Made Offerings Under The Qualified Investor Exemption(“GRO 51-909”).  GRO 51-909 relieves issuers that are subject to continuous disclosure requirements because they have made offerings made under clauses 39(1)(u) and 81(1)(s) (the “Qualified Investor Exemption”) of The Securities Act, 1988 (the “Act”) from these requirements.  GRO 51-909 is effective as of May 18, 2004. 

This means that these issuers will no longer have to file continuous disclosure information with the Commission or forward such information to their security holders under the Act.  These issuers will still be required to comply with the provisions of their incorporating legislation such as The Business Corporations Act (Saskatchewan) and The Partnership Act (Saskatchewan) with respect to disclosure of financial information to their security holders.

GRO 51-909 does not extend to issuers that have made offerings under decisions made under section 66 and 21 of The Securities Act (the “Old Act”).  The circumstances of the offerings made under these orders are not uniform.  It is therefore not appropriate to give a blanket exemption from any continuous disclosure requirements that the orders may contain.  If issuers are subject to continuous disclosure requirements under these orders, they may make applications for relief.

GRO 51-909 also does not grant relief to issuers that are subject to continuous disclosure obligations in rulings under Saskatchewan Policy Statement 45-601 Community Ventures - Section 83 Rulings.  This is because under GRO 45-906 Community Venture Resale Restrictions provides that the securities of these issuers become freely tradable after two years of filing continuous disclosure information and forwarding it to security holders.  Because there may be a market for these securities, relief from continuous disclosure requirements would not be appropriate. 

August 26, 2005 


Dean Murrison
Deputy Director, Legal/Registration
Securities Division
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission
(306) 787-585879