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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents to come into force on January 1, 2006

The Securities Commission (Local Instrument) Amendment Regulations, 2005 (No. 2) will come into force on January 1, 2006.  The regulations adopt Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents (“LI 32-501”).  LI 32-501 regulators intermediaries who trade in guaranteed investment certificates.  It replaces the Deposit Agents rules that have been in place since March 1993.  LI 32-501 applies only in Saskatchewan. 

Background to LI 32-501
Summary and Discussion of LI 32-501
Summary of Comments Received
Summary of Principal Changes
Authority for LI 32-501







Background to LI 32-501

The Deposit Agent Rules

The Local Instrument is intended to replace the Business Practice Rules set out in the decision of the Commission dated March 18, 1993 (“the Deposit Agent Rules” or “Rules”) that govern trades in GICs by intermediaries referred to as deposit agents.  The Commission adopted the Deposit Agent Rules in response to the thefts of over $1 million by individuals purporting to collect money from investors for the purchase of GICs and to transmit the money to financial institutions.   The Rules were developed with the intention of minimizing the opportunity for fraud or theft by those acting as deposit agents. 

The Deposit Agent Rules have been in place for over 10 years, and they have been reasonably successful in reducing instances of fraud or theft by deposit agents.  However, the Commission is of the view that it is time to replace the Deposit Agent Rules with the Local Instrument.  The Rules need to be updated and written in more clear language.  They should also be put on a more sound legal footing.  The Rules are guidelines, and if they are not complied with, it is difficult to take direct enforcement action.  In cases where an individual deposit agent has misappropriated investors’ money, the Rules provide no clear means of recourse for investors.   

The provisions in the Local Instrument are an attempt to remedy these shortcomings.  The Local Instrument requires a deposit agent to register as a dealer and to be responsible for the actions of its officials and salespersons.  The Local Instrument also requires a deposit agent to obtain insurance for losses resulting from the dishonest or fraudulent acts of its officials, salespersons and employees.  Insurance coverage will provide the deposit agent with the means of compensating investors who suffer loss from the wrongful actions of its officials and salespersons.  Because deposit agents, their officials and salespersons are registered, the enforcement provisions of the Act will apply.  

Summary and Discussion of LI 32-501
The purpose of the Local Instrument is to regulate intermediaries who trade in guaranteed investment certificates.

The following is a summary of the provisions of the Local Instrument:

·         Section 1 defines terms used in the Local Instrument.  “Deposit agent” is defined as a person who or company that trades in GICs, including accepting, receiving or soliciting money from an investor for transmission to a financial institution for investment in a guaranteed investment certificate. “Official” is defined as an individual who is a partner, director or officer of a registered deposit agent and who trades in GICs on behalf of the deposit agent.  “Salesperson” is defined as an individual, other than an official, that is employed or engaged by a registered deposit agent to trade in GICs on behalf of the deposit agent.   “GIC exemption” means an exemption in Saskatchewan securities laws from the registration requirement in section 27 of The Securities Act, 1988 (the “Act”) to trade in GICs. 

·         Section 2 removes the GIC exemption for deposit agents, their officials and their salespersons.

·         Section 3 prohibits anyone from acting:

o        as a deposit agent unless they are registered as a dealer in the category of deposit agent;

o        as an official of a deposit agent unless they are registered as such; and

o        as a salesperson of a deposit agent unless they are registered as such. 

Section 3 also prohibits individuals from acting as deposit agents.

·         Section 4 grants certain exemptions from the registration requirement in section 3. 

·         Section 5 prohibits an official of a deposit agent from acting as a deposit agent on his own account or on behalf of any other deposit agent.

·         Section 6 prohibits a salesperson of a deposit agent from acting as a deposit agent on their own account or on behalf of any other deposit agent.

·         Section 7 prohibits a deposit agent from engaging unregistered salespersons or officials.

·         Section 8 prohibits agreements between deposit agents, officials and salespersons that limit the liability of the deposit agent for the actions of an official or salesperson.

·         Section 9 prescribes the form of application for registration as a deposit agent, official or salesperson.

·         Section 10 exempts a deposit agent from the requirements in Part IV Registration of The Securities Regulations except for section 15 [prohibits interest in other registrants]. 

·         Section 11 requires a deposit agent to maintain insurance in the form of a financial institution bond that covers specified losses. 

·         Section 12 requires deposit agents to give notice when there is a change of control of the deposit agent.

·         Section 13 requires deposit agents to maintain effective compliance systems.

·         Section 14 requires deposit agents to report annually to the Commission.

·         Section 15 requires a deposit agent’s officials and salespersons to hold themselves out only under the name of the deposit agent when they carry on deposit agent business.

·         Section 16 requires a deposit agent that operates a trust account to annually file a report of an auditor on the operations of the trust account.

·         Section 17 requires deposit agents to maintain books and records to record their business transactions.

·         Section 18 imposes conditions on deposit agents who do not have a place of business in Saskatchewan.

·         Section 19 requires deposit agents to complete an application form when its officials or salespersons receive money from an investor for investment in a GIC.  The application form must contain specified information, and be executed and distributed in a specified way.  The application form must be approved by the financial institution with whom the money is invested.

·         Section 20 sets out the circumstances in which an official or salesperson may sign an application form on behalf of an investor.

·         Section 21 sets out the manner in which officials and salespersons may accept money from investors for investment in GICs.

·         Section 22 requires salespersons and officials to pay over all money received for investment in a GIC to the deposit agent immediately upon receipt for the money.

·         Section 23 prohibits a deposit agent, official or salesperson from pooling money received from investors with money received from other investors.

·         Section 24 provides that deposit agents, officials and salespersons shall hold money they receive from investors in trust.

·         Section 25 specifies rules for how a deposit agent must operate its trust account. 

·         Section 26 specifies how a deposit agent must send money received from investors to a financial institution.

·         Section 27 prohibits financial institutions from accepting money for the purchase of GICs from deposit agents, officials or salespersons unless they are registered.

·         Section 28 requires a financial institution to have a contract with a deposit agent before its accepts money for investment in GICs from the deposit agent.  The section specifies provisions that the agreement must contain.

·         Section 29 specifies the manner in which a financial institution must make payment to investors for money due under GICs.

·         Section 30 requires financial institutions to send confirmation notices to investors within 15 days of receiving an investor’s money for investment in a GIC.

·         Section 31 requires financial institution to report certain events to the Commission, including the names of new deposit agents, and the names of terminating deposit agents.

·         Section 32 requires financial institutions to send annual reports to the Commission.

·         Section 33 permits the Commission or Director to grant exemptions from the Local Instrument. 

Summary of Written Comments Received
We received submissions from 31 commenters regarding LI 32-501.  We have considered all the comments received and thank all the commenters.  The names of the commenters are contained in Schedule A to this Notice. 

A summary of the comments we received, and our responses to those comments, is also contained in Schedule A.  Upon consideration of the comments, we determined to incorporate a number of changes into LI 32-501.  A summary of the principal changes is set out below.    The changes are not significant enough to warrant a second publication for comment pursuant to section 6 of The Securities Commission (Regulation Procedures) Regulations. 

Summary of Principal Changes  

Clause 1(e) – Interpretation

We amended the definition of “financial institution” to include “an association to which the Cooperative Credit Association Act (Canada) applies”.  We also included “an authorized foreign bank named in Schedule III of the Bank Act (Canada)”.  

We defined the term “GIC exemption” to mean an exemption in Saskatchewan securities laws from the registration requirement in section 27 of the Act to trade in GICs, including (i)  the exemption in clause 2.34(2) of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions and (ii)  an exemption granted pursuant to a decision of the Commission or Director.   

Section 2 – Exemption Removed - Replaced the reference to the registration exemptions in clauses 39(2)(a)(iii), 39(2)(b) and (j) of the Act to the new term “GIC exemption”. 

Clause 4 – Exemptions from registration

We replaced “section 3” with  “this Instrument” to clarify that none of the requirements in the instrument apply to deposit agents who are exempt from registration pursuant to section 4.   

In clause 4(a) we deleted the words “working in a branch”.  This is to allow the exemption to apply to banks selling GICs through a branch, on-line and through telephone banking channels. 

Section 11 – Insurance

We amended subsection (6) to add the requirement to file a certified copy of the financial institution bond with the initial application for registration.

 We added new subsection (10) that requires deposit agents to promptly notify the Director of any claim that it makes under a financial institution bond.   

We also added new subsection (11) to give the Director the discretion to accept insurance that has coverage that is equivalent to the financial institution bond requirement in section 11.   

Clause 13(b) – Compliance systems – We deleted “fairly and honestly” and substituted “honestly fairly, and in good faith” to track related provision in section 33.1 of the Act. 

Section 14 – Annual reporting requirement – We amended to remove the requirement to file a report annually within three months after its financial year end, and substitute a requirement to file a report annually in compliance with Local Instrument 33-503 Permanent Registration System.  This is so that all registrants file their annual reports on the same time cycle. 

Clause 27(b) – Dealing with registered entities – We added the words “unless the official or salesperson is acting on behalf of the deposit agents”.  This is to clarify that a financial institution can accept money from an official or salesperson where he or she is acting on behalf of a registered deposit agent. 

Section 31 – Reporting to the Commission – We extended the reporting period from five to ten days.  Also in clause 31(a) we clarified that requirement to file a preliminary report for a deposit agents applies to the first time that a financial institution enters into an agreement with a registered deposit agents pursuant to section 28.  This is to limit clause 31(a) to new agreements entered into with registered deposit agents. 

Section 32 – Annual reporting – We amended section 32 so that financial institutions are required to file their annual reports by December 31st of each year, not within three months after their financial year.    

Authority for the Instrument
The Commission has the power to make regulations adopting the Local Instrument pursuant to the following provisions: 

·         Clause 154(1(a) of The Securities Act, 1988 (the “Act”) authorizes the Commission to make regulations prescribing categories of persons and companies and the manner of allocating persons and companies to categories, including permitting the Director to make those allocations. 

·         Clause 154(1)(b) of the Act authorizes the Commission to make regulations prescribing requirements respecting applications for registration and the renewal, amendment, expiration or surrender of registration and respecting suspension, cancellation or reinstatement of registration. 

·         Clause 154(1)(c) of the Act authorizes the Commission make regulations to prescribing categories or sub-categories of registrants, classifying registrants into categories or sub-categories and prescribing the conditions of registration or other requirements for registrants or any category or sub-category, including: 

(i)                   standards of practice and business conduct of registrants in dealing with their customers and clients and prospective customers and clients;

(ii)                 requirements that are advisable for the prevention or regulation of conflicts of interest; and

(iii)                requirements with respect to membership in a self-regulatory organization. 

·         Clause 154(1)(d) of the Act authorizes the Commission to make regulations requiring unregistered directors, partners, officers, salespersons and employees of registrants to comply with all or any requirements prescribed pursuant to clause (c). 

·         Clause 154(1)(f) of the Act authorizes the Commission to make regulations prescribing requirements respecting the disclosure or furnishing of information to the public or the Commission by registrants. 

·         Clause 154(1)(h) of the Act authorizes the Commission to make regulations prescribing requirements respecting books, records and other documents that market participants shall keep, including the form in which and the period for which the books, records and other documents shall be kept. 

·         Clause 154(1)(oo) of the Act authorizes the Commission to make regulations exempting any person, company, trade or security from all or any provision of this Act or the regulations, including prescribing any terms or limitations on an exemption and requiring compliance with those terms or limitations. 

·         Clause 154(1)(qq) of the Act authorizes the Commission to make regulations removing any exemption granted by this Act or the regulations, including prescribing any conditions or restrictions on removal of the exemption. 

Dated September 6, 2005 

Questions may be referred to: 

Dean Murrison
Deputy Director, Legal and Registration
(306) 787-5879