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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


The Securities Commission (Local Instrument) Amendment Regulations, 2005 (No. 3) come into force on January 1, 2006

The Securities Commission (Local Instrument) Amendment Regulations, 2005 (No. 3) have been approved by the Minister of Justice, and will come into force on January 1, 2006.  The regulations correct an error to The Securities Commission (Local Instruments) Regulations when Local Instrument 32-501 Deposit Agents and Local Instrument 11-501 Removal of Statutory Exemptions were added as Part XI.  The amendment regulations correct this by adopting LI 32-501 as Part XII to come into force on January 1, 2006. 

Dated December 22, 2005 

Questions may be referred to: 

Barbara Shourounis
Director, Securities Division
(306) 787-5842