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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


Commission Orders Administrative Penalties Against the Manitou Springs Group of Companies

In a decision dated May 26, 2004, the Commission ordered that the following companies each pay an administrative penalty of $15,000 for failure to comply with the continuous disclosure provisions of The Securities Act, 1988, decisions of the Commission, and undertakings given to the Commission:

Manitou Springs Venture Capital Corporation,
New Era Venture Capital Corporation,
Manitou Springs Hotel, Inc., and
Manitou Beach Mineral Pool Inc.

The Commission concluded that non-compliance by the companies has been continuous and flagrant, and that their conduct is highly prejudicial to the public interest.

The Commission also ordered:

  • the companies to pay $11,720.09 in costs to be shared equally by them, and 

  • to cease contravening the Act, Commission decisions, and undertakings made to the Commission relating to their continuous disclosure obligations.

May 26, 2004


Barbara Shourounis
Securities Division
Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission
(306) 787-5842